Page 60 of The Faceless Mage
She hid it well, but she was close to breaking.
And now that they were on their way to what literally might be her doom, she somehow contained all of her fear and self-doubt behind a regal facade as they made their way to the dungeons.
Again, he yearned to rip her hand from Vaniell’s arm. Protecting her had become far more inclination than compulsion, and he hated it, while at the same time, he raged because he could not do it properly.
This feeling was nearly as strong as the hatred he bore for Melger and for Vaniell.
But he could not allow himself to become more deeply involved. Could not afford to give himself away, or Melger would force him to kill her for no better reason than to bind his Raven even more tightly in chains of despair.
So he followed tamely as they made their way down, deep beneath the palace, to a torchlit hallway that ended in a cell door.
When Evaraine saw it, she pulled her hand from Vaniell’s arm and raced forward to wrap her hands around the bars.
“Zander!” she cried, and her emotions cried out silently in unison. “What have they done to you?”
The man on the floor of the cell pulled himself to a sitting position, but only with effort. He’d been beaten, and between the blood and the bruises and the swelling, he might not have been easily recognized by his own mother.
Footsteps behind them gave warning of the king’s approach. He was alone, and an odd mixture of anger and satisfaction pulsed across their link.
Evaraine released the bars and whirled to face Melger with fire in her eyes and murder in her heart.
Caution,the Raven said, before he could think better of it, and her clenched fists relaxed just a fraction.
“This is a clear violation of Farhall’s sovereignty and a perversion of every possible concept of justice,” she said, her haughty tones belying the panic that pulsed through every corner of her mind. “Garimore has neither right nor reason to torture my subject until a thorough investigation has been made and guilt established beyond doubt.”
For weeks now, Melger had been treating her like a pretty, innocent child, but his patronizing air was gone.
“Do you think I care about your pathetic excuse for justice in Farhall?” he said, his mind a swirling maelstrom of cold, uncompromising rage mixed oddly with anticipation. “This man was apprehended while spying on my soldiers. Farhall has spat on our unceasing and unstinting hospitality, and my patience is at its end. He will meet Garimoran justice, or Farhall will face the full force of our majesty and resolve in the form of open conflict.”
For the first time, the princess faltered. “You would declarewar? Without a trial, and without ever establishing guilt?”
“As far as Garimore is concerned,” King Melger said harshly, “guilt has been more than sufficiently established.”
Frustration put a crease across her forehead. “The other Thrones will not stand idly by while you assault Farhall on such a flimsy pretext. It begins to appear that you would force us to your will, using your word as the only evidence of the treasonous actions of a man who has protected me since I was a child.”
That was a lie, the Raven thought with satisfaction. He had not protected her that long, which meant she was most definitelynotEvaraine.
“Given the offense,” Melger returned coolly, confident now that he controlled the situation, “I believe you will find that the other Thrones have no objection whatsoever to Garimore’s actions.”
She was cornered, and she knew it. And she still didn’t give up.
“I demand a trial,” she said. “I would hear whatever evidence you can provide before I give consent to any punishment.”
“Your consent is neither needed nor required,” Melger returned implacably. “However…”
The fake princess held her breath.
“We will consider showing mercy and allowing the spy to keep his life, if…” He paused for effect. “If you, Princess Evaraine, will consent to an immediate acceptance of Garimore’s offer of alliance.”
The princess’s mouth dropped open.
Melger smiled.
Vaniell blanched.
“You are asking me to…” She couldn’t seem to say the words.
“You will marry my son immediately,” Melger confirmed.