Page 38 of Stolen Thorn Bride
Kasia knew she could never compare, never measure up to such a standard.
But for some reason, she was experiencing an uncomfortable urge to try.
* * *
The urge,however, did not last for long.
It was that same afternoon, as she stood in her rooms draped in several bolts of silk, that Kasia had finally and firmly had enough.
"No," she said.
Eilis raised an eyebrow and shared an expression of mutual suffering with the seamstress, who was fitting Kasia for her new wardrobe.
"I won't wear this," Kasia insisted. "I'll only look ridiculous trying to wear the same styles you elves do. You're tall and willowy, and I'm not, and even if I were…"
Both elves were staring at her as if uncertain what shocking thing might be next to come out of her mouth.
"…I don't like them!" she finished.
"I see." The seamstress frowned, but began removing the silks and wrapping them up neatly. "If you would allow me to advise you, as the Riene of Northwatch Keep, you must establish your authority early, so that none will think to challenge you. To aid in giving the impression that you belong here, your clothing must reflect your station. Must blend in, rather than stand out."
Kasia's shoulders slumped. There was no amount of silk that could disguise her lack of height or her rounded ears. No style of dress that could make her graceful rather than… sturdy, as one village matron had said while considering Kasia as a prospective bride.
So why try to blend in? Wouldn't false feathers just make it more obvious that she was trying too hard?
If she were to establish her "authority" here, shouldn't she start by refusing to allow a seamstress to bully her?
Her chin lifted. "I am not an elf, and I see no point in dressing like one. It fools no one, and will only make me uncomfortable. What I would like is for you to make me comfortable outfits out of these finer fabrics."
The seamstress's eyebrows shot all the way into her hairline.
"I would like paired tunics and trousers, for both everyday wear and formal occasions. The tunics should be long, with split hems for riding. Long sleeves for now, given the season, and if you would like to decorate them with embroidery, that would be acceptable. I am open to more formal styles, but I need no gems or frills." She paused. "Oh, and boots!"
That part was actually exciting now that she thought about it. "I want… five pairs of boots!"
Eilis exchanged glances with the seamstress. "That's all?"
That was all? One new pair was more than Kasia had ever owned in her life.
"Very well, as long as they are stylish and comfortable, you may choose the number and the color of boots," she acquiesced, feeling like she may have made a mistake. "But they should be appropriate for indoor and outdoor use, and I need to be able to wear them all day without wishing to cut off my feet."
Feeling quite pleased with her boldness, Kasia left that appointment and ducked out into the hall where Tiernan was waiting for her.
"I'm sorry that took so long," she apologized, as he fell into step just behind and to the side of her. Despite her discomfort with being followed, his presence was surprisingly quiet and unobtrusive. Though her bodyguard was just as attractive as other elves, he seemed to have managed the trick of blending in with his surroundings. In addition, he seemed kind, and she had yet to catch him watching her with either speculation or outright dislike.
"The assignment is an honor," he said easily.
"But that doesn't mean it's not boring," she retorted.
His mouth twitched. "Restful," he corrected. "I'm the envy of every other warrior in the keep."
"Right." She huffed in disbelief. "I would bet money that you got saddled with the task no one else wanted."
"Perhaps." He shrugged. "But that doesn't mean I dislike it."
"Well, I'm sorry you're stuck with me," Kasia told him ruefully. "Are you still willing to consider the sword lessons I asked for?"
"Of course."