Page 72 of Magic Forsaken
Callum gave a short, humorless chuckle. “If I thought it would do any good, perhaps I would. But this is merely a courtesy call. Someone wants to put an end to our efforts by setting us against one another, so I intend to demonstrate that all is well.”
“Even if it’s not?” Leith’s eyes were sharp and calculating. “Have any of the others threatened to back out of the Symposium?”
“Not yet.”
“So someone is getting desperate. Desperate to get rid of anyone who might be able to expose them.” His eyes widened as he assumed a theatrical expression of surprise. “Why, Your Majesty, could it be that you have amole?”
The dragon grunted in answer before taking a seat on the couch opposite the fireplace.
Once again, I was forced to contemplate the behavior expected of me, and decided to position myself behind the couch, between Callum and the door. Not that I would provide much defense against that cranky goblin butler, but at least I could try. And even if I were actually an assistant, I probably wouldn’t be asked to chat with two kings over tea and cake.
The siren glanced at me, and his lips twitched. “You might as well tell her to sit down. Maybe you can distract the others with this nonsense about her identity, but not me.”
“Why would you call it nonsense?” Callum’s expression remained unaltered. “Raine is very good at her job. She’s provided valuable insights into the security of our operations and recently bested Talia in a full rage. So far, she’s provenmore than capable of everything I’ve asked of her, whether that’s administrative or combat focused.”
“And ordinarily, I’d be more than happy to believe you,” Leith announced dryly. “But these are not ordinary circumstances, and as such, it seems strange that your new assistant is not a shapeshifter and has no experience in court politics. Even your staff was blindsided by her presence, while bystanders have noted that you give her preferential treatment and show an instinctive desire to shield her from danger, rather than hide behind her.”
He paused a moment before adding, “And Talia isn’t admitting to anything, at least not publicly.”
I saw the muscles in Callum’s neck go rigid. “And your point is?”
“Oh come now,” the siren king replied smoothly. “We both know what the rumors are going to say, if they haven’t started already.”
The dragon went ominously silent.
“You’re in a precarious position here, Callum-ro-Deverin. Your authority is new and uncertain, and your younger sister has already stirred up controversy by abandoning the dragon court and mating with the son of Dathair. So even though your brother has ensured the continuation of the dragon royal line, there must be significant pressure on you to select a proper dragon as your own mate. To conform to rules and expectations, as you have done all your life.”
Callum still very loudly said nothing.
“Imagine the uproar if you fell for an unknown woman, one without a name or a past, without ties to any court, without even the claim of shapeshifter heritage. What might you be willing to do to keep her close while continuing to hide your relationship in order to maintain your credibility and reputation? Perhaps offerher a job in your own court? A job that would require her to remain by your side day and night?”
Wait, was he saying…
“We arenotdating,” I burst out in horrified embarrassment.
Leith only shrugged and smirked at me. “I never said you were. Only that it would make sense, given the facts. Callum’s team has done an excellent job of keeping all news about the attempted sabotage under wraps, so no one knows the extent of the problems he’s faced while ensuring the security of the Symposium. Therefore, even if they see through the deliberately transparent ruse of naming you as his assistant, very few are likely to believe that the shapeshifter king is insecure enough to hire a bodyguard and allow her presence to be publicly acknowledged.”
So everyone we’d already met with had probably thought…
Kill. Me. Now.
“If I am correct,” the siren continued, eyes narrowed on Callum, “and you actually intended this woman to distract everyone from your objectives, you will need to proceed very carefully. Once these rumors spread, they may decide she will be too difficult to lure from your side, and simply stab her in the back from the shadows and have done with it. Leaving you with no clues to go along with your dead employee.”
It was not exactly comfortable to listen in while two people discussed my potential death as if it were an academic exercise. But somehow I managed not to run away or throw up on the carpet.
I could almost hear Callum’s teeth grinding as he regarded the wildkin king. “Thank you for your sage advice. Might you have any other concerns you would like me to address before tomorrow?”
“Not at this time.” Leith’s eyes were dark and wickedly amused. “Though may I say, I now look forward with much greater curiosity to how this event will play out.”
That made exactly one of us.
Callum remained ominouslysilent as we made our way back out to the car. I didn’t know him well enough yet to be certain of my ability to read his moods, but he was clearly upset. With me? With Leith? Or with himself?
I buckled in while he started the engine, but then he just sat there, staring through the windshield. Should I break the silence? Or wait for him to remember how to use words?
“He’s right.” The statement sounded harsh and condemning, and I tensed as I turned to look at my employer.
“What do you mean?”