Page 12 of Holding Holly
Smiling, I sneak out before I’m tempted to spend the night with her. Things with Holly and I are moving at lightning speed, and the last thing I’d ever want to do is rush my girl.
Yeah.My girl.The Caveman-to-English translation lines up with that one.
Kneading the dough for an extra batch of hazelnut vanilla cinnamon twists, I think back to the way James held me last night. It was incredible. I’ve never felt wanted like that.
I glance at the clock. Only an hour till the end of my shift.
Everyone here at the bakery seems happy with my work, so I’m pretty sure that I’m going to be able to stay until the end of Bethany’s maternity leave. It gives me a wonderful job for a few months.
It feels like a sign. Things don’t usually come together this easily. A house-sitting gig, plus an immediate job that I already have experience for? It’s just too perfect.
Kind of like James, honestly.
As I roll out and twist the pastries, I fall into a trance of deep thought. If I had to findanyflaws with James, what would they be?
Well, I guess his job could potentially be dangerous, although there’s really not much danger in this small town, where everyone waves hello. I think people are less likely to be criminals when every single person could rat you out to a family member and you’d be in real trouble with your dad and Grandma would be disappointed in you.
James was admittedly a bit vague about who employs him. The so-called “founders of the town” that run things. I know it has something to do with the Wolfe family. I mean, the freaking mountain is named after them. And I’ve already driven by a half dozen signs for businesses that are Wolfe something-or-other.
Plus, there are a bunch of tall, strapping mountain men who I’ve noticed are calledSirorMr.Wolfewhen they come into the bakery instead of by their first name, like everybody else in town.
They all look what I call “casually rich”. The kind of old money where they’ve had it for so long they’re not even fully aware of how wealthy they are. But they’re polite, wait their turn like everyone else, and buy a lot of coffee and bread, not to mention an inordinate quantity of cinnamon rolls, so that’s fine by me.
I slip the twists into the massive industrial oven, then realize that it’s my turn to cook tonight. James has taken care of dinner twice. I don’t want to be some kind of coddled princess who sits around waiting for someone else to make plans. I scrub my hands, then grab my phone.
I’m sure there’s probably a dating rule somewhere about not seeing a man every single night when you’re first getting together. I don’t care. I need to ride this adrenaline high.
If you’re free tonight, could I bring a simple dinner over to your place?
I think seeing where James lives will give me a bit more insight into his personality. Even though everything has been fabulous so far, and I feel incredibly close with him, let’s be real. I just met him on Sunday.
James: You bet! I’ll have to meet you there. Important cop stuff until around five. I’ll send you a map pin.
Once I’m finished for the day, I find Gabe, the husband of the couple who owns this bakery. “Hey, is it okay if I make three sandwiches to take home? You can charge me whatever you want for the extra meat and cheese.”
He grins, playfully bumping his elbow against mine. “You’re one of the team now, Holly. Help yourself – call it your signing bonus.”
I wait until he gets a large group order out of the way to take over the sandwich counter. It seems like James eats anything, so I put together two different extravagant sandwiches for him, and a relatively plain turkey, Havarti, and spinach for me.
I drive to the address James has given me, arriving right at five o’clock. He pulls in beside me before I’ve even gotten out of the Jeep.
It’s a pretty two-story brick house, with cheerful blue shutters. The landscaping in the front is minimal, but there is a large porch featuring a comfortable bench and a big red snow shovel.
“There’s my girl!” James grabs me in a hug, twirling me around twice in a circle before setting me back onto the slightly crunchy half inch of snow.
Looking up into his warm eyes, I start melting before he even kisses me. Every time we snuggle together, I feel something different. Something brand new. And each time, it feels like it’s going to go a bit further than it has before.
Well, now we’re alone and at his place. There’s no better time for me to explore all of these feelings. Once he’s well fed, that is.
He nibbles at my bottom lip, making me giggle. “Hey, I brought you food. No need to chew on me.”
“I don’t know what you have in that bag, but there is zero chance it’s more delicious than you.”