Page 24 of Holding Holly
“Not a good idea.” My palms land firmly on the table as I shake my head. “You can’t risk being seen with a twenty-one-year-old outsider, not with your job. I don’t have enough…” I gaze helplessly at to the ceiling. “I don’t know. Life experience. Personality. Whatever.” My eyes drop to his. James looks utterly confused as I barrel on. “I’m not good for your image.Yet. But I’m going to work really hard until I am.”
His lips press into a line. “You know that whole making decisions when you’re hungry thing?”
“Why don’t we hold off on this conversation until after sandwiches?”
As we eat, his foot wraps around my ankle, and his fingers occasionally reach under the table to tickle my knee. I think he’s trying to show me that we can keep things outwardly casual while still maintaining closeness.
As always, James knows exactly how to comfort me. Make me feel safe.
Make me feel like I’m his.
From the beginning, it was made clear that I should set my own work schedule according to the needs of the town. Which means I often work on the weekend and take Tuesdays and Wednesdays off. I work more over the holidays when people have come home to visit family, but at the same time sometimes I take off camping in the summer for the better part of a week and nobody notices.
I’ve always logged my hours, but I don’t think anyone cares. They know if there is an emergency, I’ll be there. A town event, I’ll be there. It’s not worth hiring anyone else, not with the town so self-sufficient.
All this is to say, although I’m working on a Saturday afternoon, it’s of no concern that I’m also dropping into a couple of stores and doing some last-minute shopping.
As I walk toward The Bakery on Main, I know I’m doing the right thing. Holly is going to be slightly rattled for a bit, but then she’s going to understand everything.
I was happy that she slept in my arms last night, but I didn’t initiate anything other than a very long, drawn out good night kiss. Then I woke her up with a spiced mocha and fresh-baked muffins.
It’s probably a huge step for her to be living with a guy at all, so I think it’s important to be clear that I am a domesticated animal who knows how to cook and clean.
Holly comes out of the bakery, looking around until she spots me. I drove her to work this morning since it might snow later. I want her to be more used to my old truck before she drives in winter conditions.
“Hey, gorgeous.”
Slipping my arm around her waist, I give her a quick kiss. She melts against me for a few seconds before sadly pushing away. “Little bit public.”
“Yeah…” Taking her hand, I stroll down Main Street, then round the corner by the parking lot to take the back entrance to City Hall. “I thought long and hard about that and came up with a much better plan.”
Her eyes grow wide. “Oh.” She tries to drop my hand, but I hold it tighter.
“Do you trust me, Holly?”
We sneak into the back door of my office, where there’s a large silver gift bag standing on my desk. “That isn’t a real gift,” I said quickly. “But I need you to put it on, please.”
She pulls out an emerald dress, and her eyes widen in shock. “Wow. This is so pretty!”
“Not nearly as pretty as you. But I bet you’re going to look terrific in it. Quick.” I point to my small private bathroom. “Change in there. There are shoes in the bottom of the bag, too.”
Holly grins, then tosses her coat over the rack and scurries away. I use the time to quickly change into a black dress shirt and a forest green tie.
She steps out cautiously, and her chin perks up. “Is that music out in the lobby?”
“Can’t talk,” I mutter. “Too busy admiring.”