Page 6 of Holding Holly
“Do you even have a police station?” she asks. “Or a jail?”
I finish my exquisite bite of three-cheese lasagna before answering. “I have an office, and there is…duhn duhn duhnnnn…the closet.”
Her graceful eyebrow raises a mile high. “The what?”
“City Hall is a beautiful old building, which they made extra big so it would never have to be replaced. Since I’m the only police officer, I have a small office for paperwork, and to serve as a homebase during the day. If anyone gets super ornery, or I have to hold them for a while, I throw them in something we call the closet. It’s a reinforced room with a bench and a sturdy lock. Nobody’s in there for more than a day.”
“Plus, locking naughty people in the closet just sounds…” She giggles sweetly.
“Right?” We both laugh as Bianca swings by with dessert menus before drifting away again.
Holly leans forward. “Hey, do you happen to know if they’re hiring here?”
“Doubt it. They just hired a new person a few months ago. You need a job?”
“Yeah. Even just part time.” Her fingers twist the napkin in her lap. “I need to pay for food and get some savings together so I can figure out what I’m doing next.”
I only need to think for three or four seconds. “Those cookies you made were amazing. Do you think you could work at a bakery?”
“Oh, yes. I’ve worked at two of them.”
“One sec.” Pulling out my phone, I send a quick text.
Holly looks at me contritely. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt our dinner with my problems.”
“Not at all. I just happened to be at City Hall when – oh, hey, can I have your phone?” I enter the Town Hall red phone in her contacts. “That’s our emergency line. Whoever happens to be in the lobby will know the fastest way to contact me, the volunteer fire department, whichever of the tow truck guys is on duty, or the town medic, assuming he’s around.”
She stares. “Small towns are really different, aren’t they?”
I chuckle. “They really are. People help each other all the time and know everyone’s business. That’s how I knew that Bethany went into labor three and a half weeks early, which means The Bakery on Main is going to be short-staffed for the holidays.”
My phone beeps, and I grin. “There you go. You start tomorrow at six am.”
Her mouth falls open as her eyes grow wide. “Are you kidding? They don’t even know me.”
“No, but they know me. I mean, your first few days will probably be a trial. But Lizzie and Gabe are nice people who need a hand. If you do a good job, they’ll keep you. Plus, Bethany will be on mat leave for a while. They’ll need you for a few months if it works out.” I shift toward her on the bench of the round booth, nodding to where I’ve taken her hand under the table. “Is this…okay?”
Her chin tips up, eyes glowing, and I see…something. I don’t know how much I can read into one glance, but it suddenly hits me that I don’t think this beautiful girl has ever had someone really take care of her before.
Every protective urge I’ve ever had kicks into high gear. I want to care for Holly. Want to hold her in my arms and shelter her from every storm. Warm her in the night, comfort her in the day?—
Come on, James. Less bizarre poetry, more kissing her already.
Just as we lean closer together, Bianca materializes to clear our plates. “Did we decide on dessert?”
Holly grins. “I’ll leave that to the expert.”
I mean, yes. The desserts here are incredible. But all I can think about is the taste of Holly’s lips, and that I’m literally counting the seconds until I can kiss her without making a scene.
Because I know as soon as I take hold of this incredible woman, a scene is going to be made.
I’ve only seen this facial expression in movies. James is dying to kiss me.
Everything about him seems too good to be true, along with his amazing town. And now I have a great job for at least a few months? It’s wild.