Page 45 of Chasing Sunsets
“There is only one way to succeed in anything, and that is to give it everything.”
~ Vince Lombardi
Chapter Thirteen
Sadie straightenedher back as she stood next to Zack, not appreciating Tamara’s words or tone.
“I almost had Ruben over his fantasy of playing in the NFL and ready to start a normal life. Now he’s hopeful again.”
Zack frowned. “I merely set up a phone call for him with Snyder White. I didn’t guarantee Snyder would help.”
Tamara used both hands to push at Zack’s shoulders. “You got his hopes up. You weren’t there when he busted his knee in high school and at the Texas Tech walk-on. I was. I’ve nursed him through two surgeries. His opportunity has passed. He’ll never play in the NFL. He can’t spend the rest of his life chasing this dream.”
“You’d rather he gave up a dream he’s had since he was a boy?”
“Absolutely. The dream has only brought him, us, heartache and pain.”
He didn’t back down. “Giving up before even getting a chance can crush a man’s spirit. At least if he talks to someone who did it, they’ll tell him how hard it is.”
“Oh, yeah, Snyder did. He also hooked Ruben up with the guy who helped him years ago.”
“That’s good.”
“No, it’s not!” She shook her head. “You gave him hope. He needs a dose of reality.”
“Ruben’s been through two rather awful doses of reality. If you ask me—”
“I’m not asking you. That’s the point. You should have left us alone.” She huffed. “I had him thinking about our future. Maybe college or technical training. Now he’s planning to quit his measly part-time job to train. I’ve worked my ass off to support us, which is the main reason we separated in the first place and what brought us to this damn show.”
Zack crossed his arms. “He can always go to school, but time is running out on his body’s ability to viably compete. If he doesn’t do it now, he’ll always wonder what could’ve been and he’ll resent you.”
“Not if your meddling hadn’t given him hope.”
“Only one more year,” a deep voice interrupted.
Sadie glanced behind Tamara to see Ruben standing under a tree. How long had he been there?