Page 50 of Chasing Sunsets
Sadie couldn’t imagine Zack getting a call and having to up and leave for months at a time. How stressful for military spouses.
“I continued to run the kids everywhere for their activities. When he was home, we had everything we needed. Or so I made myself believe. One day after he returned from being gone, he went upstairs to take a nap, which he did regularly. At that instant, I had a dirty diaper to change, two hungry three-year-olds to feed, and a mountain of laundry to wash. He shut the door, ignoring us, and I realized my husband was a guest in our home. A guest!” Maxine’s voice rose, and her face reddened.
Heather’s elbows rested on her knees and her chin in her hands, raptly listening.
“I stood there, my baby crying, and let the reality of my life take hold. Jude never corrected the kids. I always had to be the bad guy. He never washed the dishes or did the clothes or helped with the kids. Suddenly it wasn’t enough to have him home.”
“No shit,” Tamara exclaimed.
“I didn’t marry the soldier, I married the man. I opened the door, set the baby on the bed next to him, and waved. ‘Good luck taking a nap, because I’m going to the grocery store. Did you know I shop, cook, and clean while I juggle three kids?’ I left the house for the rest of the day. When I got back, he had the house picked up, the kids bathed, and he’d made dinner.”
“This is exactly what happened to us.” Heather’s tone was excited. “I thought he’d changed. I didn’t realize I’m allowing it.”
“Welcome to the other side.” Maxine pretended to bow while sitting. “The saddest part was my children didn’t have a relationship with him, he could’ve been Santa Claus as far as they were concerned. Neither they nor I needed Santa Claus. I needed a husband, and my kids needed a dad. After that day, every time he got back from an assignment, he made a conscious effort to help, and he’s been an incredible partner and Dad.”
“If he is, why are you and Jude here?” Tamara asked.
“Like some of you, we’ve agreed not to discuss our issues.” Maxine gestured with her wine glass toward Sadie and Kelly. They were the only three couples who never shared their problems.
Kelly spoke next. “I’m still not ready to talk about my marriage, but I will say, I think Brett and I are on the road to recovery.” Kelly nodded at Sadie and mouthed, “Thank you.”
A friendly smile and warmth spread through Sadie.
“We're so busy watching out for what's just ahead of us that we don't take time to enjoy where we are.” ~ Bill Watterson, Calvin & Hobbes
Chapter Fourteen
Day seven started atfive without breakfast. It was too early for Sadie to eat anyway, having stuffed herself last night. Everyone returned their phones and wallets while being outfitted with microphones. She’d gotten so used to the wires sticking to her body she no longer even thought about them while racing.
Truman arrived and his spirits were high, but his eyes had circles around them.
“You don’t look like you got any sleep?” Sadie whispered to him as they waited for the race to start.
“I didn’t,” he answered just as softly.
She raised her brows and mouthed, “Rhianna?”