Page 16 of Chasing Sunrise
“I don’t drink. Never have, never will.”
“Is there a story there?” Quinn asked.
Amanda’s heart skipped a beat. She was saved from answering when Dre came up, leaned over the back of Quinn’s chair, and whispered into her ear.
Quinn’s face lit up as she spun around. “Really?”
He nodded.
She grinned at Amanda and got up. “Mike’s going to let me tend bar.”
“Have fun,” Amanda called.
Surprised when Amandahanded him a bag of food, Kasey opened it to find a burger and fries from Frank’s. The local hamburger joint made amazing burgers. He hadn’t eaten on his flight and those shots he’d just downed would hit him hard if he didn’t eat more than a cupcake.
What a nice thing for Amanda to do. He peered over to see her sitting at the table with other men and women wearing lemur t-shirts.
He stepped around the bar and down the hall toward Mike’s office. His brother, Darcy, followed him. Mike’s office looked like a man cave. A PacMan machine took up one corner and a slot machine another. A tiny desk, only big enough for a laptop, was by the door with an executive chair. A big screen TV was mounted on one wall and a huge couch with cup holders faced it.
Kasey set the bag on the desk and snagged a couple of fries.
Darcy reached into the bag and got some for himself. “Mom wanted me to check on you.”
They didn’t have to shout to talk back here. The music could still be heard, but it was much quieter. Grabbing the burger out of the bag, Kasey folded back the paper and took a bite. He closed his eyes and savored the first delicious taste of the hot, double meat patties, bacon, cheese, and fried egg. It balanced perfectly with the tomato, lettuce, and pickles. And the homemade bun, house mayo and mustard made it the best burger in town. In probably any town. He’d never tasted better during his travels. “Damn, I haven’t hadThe Worksin a while.”
“Remember when we begged Mom and Dad to get them for us when we were kids?” Darcy said.
“They only bought them on our birthdays.”
“In high school, most of my grass-mowing money paid for those burgers.”
With a laugh, Kasey took another bite.
“You going to tell me what happened?” Darcy questioned.
Kasey explained what he’d been through yesterday. “Claims she did it for ratings. Stings like hell, though.”
“And she taped it?”
“She called Star Breeze beforehand. They got the footage. It airs tomorrow.”
“How could Ethan do that?”
“I really can’t blame him. He’s young, and sheisHarper Hastings. Wouldn’t you break bro-code for a chance with her?”
“I’d like to say I wouldn’t.” Darcy’s lips made a straight line. “But youth does make people do stupid things.” They discussed a call Darcy had been on earlier in the night and where Kasey would be shooting next as Kasey ate.
Darcy snatched the last of the burger from Kasey’s fingers and scarfed it down in one bite. “So good.”
Kasey finished the fries before his brother had a chance. One thing about the Hunter boys, they could eat.
Pulling out his phone, Darcy checked the screen then held it up for Kasey to see. “Mom keeps asking if you’re okay.”
“Tell her I’m fine and enjoying my night.” Which he strangely was prior to Harper dropping by. Thanks to Amanda.
“You want a ride home?” his brother asked.