Page 35 of Chasing Sunrise
He stood in front of Mrs. Chamber’s class, a huge white wall used for projection behind him. The students sat in lines of desks facing him.
The kids listened intently as he spoke about how he’d been undecided on whether to go to college or trade school his senior year. Since he enjoyed being outdoors and couldn’t see himself behind a desk, he chose to get a forestry degree. While working as a park ranger at the Grand Canyon, he was interviewed on a nature show and that’s when Harper Hastings discovered him and convinced him to do the show. In the first season, he’d traveled from park to park, giving viewers tips on how and where to camp. In season two, he started to take on dangerous challenges, and that’s when the show began to have great success.
“Any questions?” he asked.
Hands went up all over the room. He pointed at a girl named Trudy.
“Hi, Kasey. My aunt is Stacy Kimble.”
He smiled. “How’s she doing?”
“Great. She always talks about how much fun she had when you and she dated in high school. She said you were involved in a holdup and were shot in the leg.”
“She’s right.”
Amanda’s heart skipped a beat.
Everyone stayed perfectly still.
“I was a senior. Believe it or not, it happened on my first day working at a hardware store. My friend had gotten me the job. The place got held up, and I took a bullet to the calf.”
“Aunt Stacy said you could’ve turned around and left, but you started talking to the robber instead.”
He shrugged. “When I saw him hit my friend in the head with the butt of the gun, I couldn’t leave. I thought if I kept the burglar talking, it might stop him from hurting anyone. I figured someone would come along and hear what was going on. Luckily, the owner did and called the police. When the cops showed up and rushed the guy, the gun in his hand discharged. The paramedics brought me to the hospital where the doctor took out the bullet, sewed me up, and I made it home that evening.”
Amanda remained as enthralled in the story as the students. What a horrible thing to happen to a teenager. And why the hell didn’t he go for help instead of putting himself in harm’s way?
“Did it hurt?” someone called.
His tone filled with tension. “It felt like a burning hot poker had been rammed into my leg. Ever since, I feel truly sorry for any animal that gets branded. They say the animal doesn’t feel it, but I can’t believe that.”
Tears pricked Amanda’s eyes.
He rubbed his hands together. “Any other questions?”
Lots of hands raised again and a voice, she couldn’t tell who, said, “Is it true your brother is dating Harper Hastings now?”
This was not the first time a student had brought up Harper today.
“You guys are up-to-date on my social life, aren’t you? I’m sure you saw Harper refuse my proposal. From what I understand, her and my brother have gone out. That’s all I know.”
The kids raised their hands again.
He called on Elyse. She sat forward. “Where’s the best place you’ve ever been?”
“Hard to say.” He tilted his head to the side. “I get a real appreciation for places while I’m shooting. We just finished up in Peru. It’s amazing. Even though a snake tried to bite me one day.”
A snake? He hadn’t mentioned a snake to her.
He motioned to Ryan, who wore a blue shirt. “Was the bear you ran into at Yellowstone real or staged?”
“Nothing’s staged on the show. The bear was a terrifying surprise. If you watch that episode again, be sure to check out how much the camera shakes from my cameraman’s trembling. We cut shooting short by two days because of that bear.”
The last bell rang.
The students continued to pepper Kasey with questions until Mrs. Chambers intervened. “Okay, everyone, bus riders are going to miss their ride if you don’t disburse now. Out you go.” Once the kids were gone, she continued, “My goodness, Mr. Kase, you did the impossible. You held their attention the whole hour.”
He smirked. “You might get them to do the same if you allowed them to askyoupersonal questions.”