Page 58 of Chasing Sunrise
He spun to see the man.
Tall and muscular, with brown hair and a brown beard, Mr. Marshall clapped Kasey’s shoulder. “What brings you by?”
“I was in the neighborhood.” He turned to the customer. “Are you ready to check out?”
“Not yet.”
“Jacob,” Mr. Marshall called.
A young guy in a red Marshall’s Hardware shirt hustled over.
“Great to see you again, Jacob.” Kasey held out his hand.
“You-you-you too, sir.” He enthusiastically pumped Kasey’s hand.
“I’m not old enough to be a sir.”
Jacob glanced at Mr. Marshall. “You called me?”
“Please help this man. Kasey and I will be in the back.”
Kasey followed his old boss. As stupid as it was, like every time he came here, a sting of apprehension hissed in his mind. The storeroom remained the same as well. The only change was a huge dog lying on a dog bed by the back door. Edward and the black mastiff sniffed each other.
“Terrible piece from the Star Breeze about your breakup.” Mr. Marshall talked straight, which Kasey appreciated.
“Harper did it for the show. Cut like a knife though.” Kasey snatched a water bottle from the fridge knowing Mr. Marshall would expect him to help himself.
“You see Mike this trip?”
He’d not seen any of his friends. He’d been too busy with Amanda. “Not yet. How is he?”
“Tiny’skeeps him busy. He won’t even hire someone to do the books. Thinks he has to do it by himself.” The older man sighed. “And although I believe he’s going to give himself an ulcer or a heart attack, I’m proud of him.”
Kasey smiled.
“What’s next for you?” Mr. Marshall cracked his knuckles.
“I leave for Italy on Monday.” A picture on the wall caught his attention. Mr. Marshall stood in a wrestling ring with a championship belt and buckle around his waist. “Why did you give up professional wrestling?”
“Priorities. I got married and Mike was born a year later. When Gloria called me squealing about Mike taking his first step, I put in my resignation. A hardware shop isn’t glamorous, but it provided a stable life for us. Still does.”
“Did you ever miss it?”
“Not really. I traded wrestling for something more important. Time with my wife and son.”
“Wine is sunlight, held together by water.” ~ Galileo Galilei