Page 71 of Chasing Sunrise
He froze, suddenly serious. “Well, no.”
She nodded. “Exactly.”
“Climbing and soloing aren’t worth dying for, but they are worth risking dying for.”
~ Todd Skinner
Chapter Sixteen
Amanda pulled intoa parking spot at the school. She’d returned this evening to meet Quinn and watch a play put on by the drama department. Not seeing Quinn or her car, she fished her phone out of her purse. No message from Kasey. Since he left for his trip, things between them had turned distant. They never really talked. They communicated like two junior high kids scared the other would break up with them at any moment.
It was dumb and frustrating, especially after how close they’d gotten at the beach cabin. She should never have told him she didn’t want to hear about his work. In protecting herself, she’d driven a wedge between them.
The lights in the parking lot jolted on with flashes, then stayed constant. She recognized Drake Trace and Billy Plough, two varsity basketball players in a car across the parking lot. Both were straight-A students and had signed with colleges to play basketball.
Billy drank from a water bottle and handed it to Drake. They laughed and talked while taking sips and passing the water bottle back and forth. She doubted water was in the bottle.
When they drained the last of the liquid, the boys put sticks of gum in their mouths and exited the Mustang.
She slipped out of her car and walked over to intercept them before they made it to the school doors. “Hi, Drake. Hi, Billy.”
“Hey, Ms. Crane. You come to see the play too?” Drake smiled. Because of the darkness and shadows, she couldn’t tell if his eyes were glassy. Had he been drinking while driving?
Anger, frustration, hurt, or maybe all three heated her face. “I did.”
“Genevive threatened to break up with me if I didn’t come tonight,” Billy said.
Quinn rushed up. “I never thought I’d get here. Traffic was nuts. Hi, guys.”
The boys politely nodded.
“You ready to go inside,” her friend asked.
“I was about to ask Drake and Billy to come to my office for a minute. Would you come too?”
“Of course.”