Page 32 of Forever Mine
“If you laugh, I’m gonna jab you with my fork, woman.”
That did it. Laughter poured out of me and it was a moment before I could contain myself. “I tried telling you, but you had to be Mr. Macho Guy.”
“You’re a wicked woman. You could have tried harder to dissuade me.”
My grin was sheepish. “So you’re going to put this on me?”
He sniffed again and nodded.
“Aw, poor baby.” My voice softened. “Would you like me to get you some sugar?”
“Nah,” he waved away my suggestion. “I’ll be fine. This is just a bit spicier than I’m used to eating.”
“It grows on you,” I explained as his color returned to normal.
“That’s if I plan to have my tongue and the roof of my mouth set on fire again.”
Another grin escaped from me. “Next time, maybe you’ll listen.”
“Maybe I will and maybe I won’t.” He smirked as he copied my words.
“Mmm-hmm, don’t blame me for any aftereffects either.”
He sipped more beer and then chuckled. “You’re not getting off that easy. Of course, I’ll hold you responsible.”
“Maybe I—”
Scott’s phone vibrated. He looked at the screen and annoyance simmered in his eyes. It didn’t take much to figure out why he was upset.
I swallowed a bit of celery and wiped my fingers. “Have you called her?”
He sipped from his glass before giving me a cold stare. “How d’you know it’s Lucy?”
“Call it woman’s intuition.” My smile came through bit by bit. “And the change in your mood. Again.”
“It’s that obvious, huh?”
“Yes.” I chewed on a bit of shrimp, then asked, “Isn’t it easier to do what I suggested? If you talk to her, you’ll know exactly what she wants.”
Scott’s nostrils flared, before he snapped, “She knows I can’t give her that.”
His closed expression told me he wouldn’t welcome any further discussion, but seeing him this disturbed made me persist.
“All I’m saying is that if you get it over with, you’ll make things easier on yourself.”
“How d’you figure that?” he said, leaning back in his seat.
“When I walked in, you seemed aggravated.”
“Yeah. And?” He cocked his head sideways as if he expected me to suggest something outrageous.
“If she’s gonna spoil your mood like that, it only makes sense to deal with her once and for all. Like I said, you dragging this out is just going to make you annoyed forever and ever.”
He folded his arms and stared at me steadily. “Maybe you have a point.”
“You said that last time.”
Scott scanned the room while running a hand over his hair. “I got busy.”