Page 36 of Forever Mine
Scott sighed as if disappointed. “Party Pooper.”
“That's all right. Call me anything you like.” My laughter lessened the tension between us. “When you're back in Miami, I'll have to face these people.”
“True, but the more time I spend with you, the less I look forward to going back home.”
Scott had a knack for saying things that left me speechless. This moment was a good example. His words, combined with the sincerity in his eyes, were enough to make me squirm. If I was forced to confess, I’d say I felt the same way. Against my will, I was getting attached to him. To give myself time to breathe and settle my nerves, I picked up my mobile off the desk and dropped it into my bag
He was still watching me when I looked up, and elevated both brows as if waiting for a response.
I exhaled loudly. “You don’t need to fish. I think I might actually miss you, too.”
“Might?” He pressed one hand to his chest. “I’m devastated.”
“Honest.” Scott raised both hands. “I love your company.”
We’d spent a lot of time together this past week. Scott’s base was ten minutes away, so we ate lunch together and had drinks in the evenings, or we ended up at a sports bar that also had a gaming lounge on-site.
“You’re kinda cool yourself,” I added.
“Only kinda?” His brows lowered over his eyes and came close to meeting.
His outrage amused me. I kept it in check when I said, “You don’t strike me as the kind of man who needs to have his ego massaged.”
“Sweetheart, every guy needs a little reassurance now and then.” His tone was light and his eyes danced. “Especially when the lady he’s spending time with thinks he’s lukewarm in the cool department.”
Chuckling, I eased into my jacket and got up. “I never said that. If you’re ready to go, I’ll leave you at your place.”
He took my cue and rose. “I can call Charles.”
I slid my bag strap over my shoulder and moved from behind the desk. “I’m gonna take you, so stop acting like you don't know.”
He eased in front of me and blocked my path to the door. “Where you’re concerned, I take nothing for granted.”
“Why is that?” I asked, as if I couldn’t guess what he’d say. I knew he wanted me, but I also wanted to hear him say it.
Scott clasped my hands between his and let his gaze caress my face. “You’re all that, and more, and I know my time is limited.”
The thought of him leaving dropped a weight in my stomach, but I assumed a cheerful expression. I didn’t want him thinking I’d demand more from him. “We agreed to enjoy the time, so let’s do exactly that.”
He stepped in closer. “Yeah. Let’s do that.”
Scott’s gaze latched on to my lips and as his mouth hovered over mine, my eyes closed. He stroked my skin with his before easing my mouth open. When our tongues met, a moan got away from me.
Scott took it as encouragement and gripped the back of my head as he delved deeper. He explored my mouth as if he was in no hurry and while his tongue danced with mine, I forgot everything but the heat he sparked inside me. A fire spread in my belly and my arms crept around him. Our kiss turned into a slow and thorough voyage of discovery I didn’t mind sharing with Scott.
Eventually, he withdrew, pressing soft kisses to my lips.
“I thought I told you not to do that,” I murmured.
“Yeah, you did say not to kiss you here.” His words rumbled against my skin. “I chose not to listen.”
“I appreciate men who stick by my rules.” As his fingertips roamed the back of my neck, I murmured, “It keeps things simple.”
“I’ve never been someone who played by other people’s rules, so we may have a challenge.”
He sounded serious, but it didn’t matter. I refused to get in a lather over someone who wouldn’t be around for long.
Scott looked at me in a way that said he was aware of something I didn’t yet know. His soft, inviting lips hovered in my line of sight and derailed my thoughts. I didn’t want to know what was going on in his mind. I’d be safer if I didn’t. When he reeled me in for another kiss, I tipped my head back and opened my mouth to him.