Page 76 of Forever Mine
“I’m happy things worked out for you.” I cleared my throat and added, “Maybe I owe you an apology.”
“You think?” He raised one eyebrow. “What's this maybe? You shut me off completely based on a belly showing up in our Skype call.”
His comment was funny, but not enough for me to forget my disappointment with him at the time. “What would you have thought if some guy intruded on our conversation and came to sit next to me on my sofa?”
Silence fell between us before he said softly, “I'd want an explanation, but I'd allow you the opportunity to give me one.”
“I’m a simple man. Talk to me in a language I understand.” He said all this, while his eyes twinkled.
“You’re right, I admit it. You’re so much better at this relationship thing than I am.” I edged closer to him and once he shifted, I slid my arms around him and laid my head on his chest. “I'm sorry. I just figured you’d gone over there and reinvested yourself in the past.”
He kissed my forehead. “Wouldn’t it have been easier if you had allowed me to explain what was happening?”
“Yes, but—”
“There’s no good excuse for you losing your cool over something that could have been cleared up with one phone call.”
He was right, but there was the thing of me hanging on to my status quo instead of going in wholeheartedly with him. His problems were enough to make me back off and run back to the safety I knew. Thank God for his persistence. This minute, I was the happiest I’d been since he left. He was right. I’d twisted myself in knots, but it was because I didn’t trust that he’d come back to me. My throat closed around a painful blockage and I sighed. When I could speak without tears coming to my eyes, I whispered. “Mr. Fine, I consider myself duly chastised.”
Scott kissed the corner of my mouth, as he murmured, “Oh, but I want to do so much more to you.”
He continued kissing my cheek and moved to my ear. “So. Much. More.”
When he stopped whispering all that he wanted to do me, I was ready to crawl into his lap, lock my arms around his neck, and refuse to let him go until I was satisfied.
“Since we’re short on time, and I need to get clean,” I murmured against his lips, “how about getting in the shower with me?”
He gripped me around the waist and got me to stand. “Let’s not waste another minute.”
Face to face, we stood inside his bathroom, slowly undressing each other. It felt like he’d been away much longer than two weeks and I couldn’t keep my hands off him. I placed soft kisses on his chest, while caressing his back, hips, and butt.
His fingers rode my curves, teasing me until I threw my head back and gripped him hard. Scott rained kissed on my neck and throat, whispering words of love to me.
In the shower, he helped me wash my hair, and we lovingly lathered each other’s bodies until we were both on the edge of release. It was the most beautiful experience I’d ever had with a man.
When he’d had enough of me teasing him, he wedged my back to his chest, strapped a hand across my waist and entered me, barely stopping to roll on a condom. As I writhed against him, mewling and crying like a demanding kitten, he sucked my neck and played with my breasts. This went on for endless minutes and when I thought I couldn’t stand any more Scott ground himself deeper, sending me headlong into my climax.
My knees buckled, but he held me in place, intensifying his thrusts while moaning hoarsely in my hair. “Vaughn, I love you.”
“Yes, yes, yes,” I cried, clamping my hands over his to prevent myself from crashing to the floor.
As our breathing returned to normal, Scott propped me against the tiles and disposed of the condom. After helping me out of the stall, he gently wrapped my hair in a towel and folded another around me.
Wearing a towel around his waist, he led me to his bed.
We lay together, doing absolutely nothing but letting our fingers rediscover the contours of each other’s curves and ridges. As the minutes passed, and I stared into his eyes, I knew he wanted me again.
Taking the utmost care, Scott reminded me of all I missed during the time he’d been away. As he hit another climax, he threw his head back, groaning and trembling so hard, I thought the walls would crumble around us. Then, with his head lowered to my breast, deliciously swirling his tongue before suckling me, I arched my hips off the bed and plummeted back to earth on an orgasmic wave.
“Oh. My. Gosh. Scott!”
His lips pulled back from his teeth in a satisfied grin as he hovered above me on his elbows and knees. “At your service, madam.”
I slapped his sweaty shoulder. “You’re such a show off.”
He rolled off me and returned a few minutes later to slide back into bed next to me. His arm went around my shoulders and he pulled me to lay on his chest. We stayed that way as time ticked by, simply enjoying each other.