Page 36 of Daycare Santa
She gave the two of them her deadpan face. “Good evening.”
The lounge suit and ankle-length dress showed they’d both dressed up for their date, and Gina couldn’t help thinking Boyd had never made that kind of effort for her. Nor had he ever taken her to a swanky place like City Vista. He worked in a managerial position at a bank, so he could afford the finer things. He really was not the one.
Nichelle’s attention shifted to Zack, then returned to Gina. “I need to talk with you.”
“It can’t be now,” Gina snapped. “Especially since you didn’t know you’d see me here.”
She sensed Boyd was studying Zack, but refused to look at him. Let him wonder.
Zack’s hand closed around her arm gently. “Excuse us,” he said. “We have to go.”
When they walked away and descended the stairs that took them to the lower level of the building and the parking lot, Gina whispered, “Thank you.”
“You’re more than welcome. You looked like you were about to pop her in the eye, and we couldn’t have that.”
Her lips twitched, and she pursed them to hold in her amusement, but a chuckle escaped. She patted his hand, still wrapped around her arm. “Zack Winters, you’re worth your weight in gold.”
“I know.” He rewarded her with a brilliant smile. “But I can’t help asking what that was about.”
They stepped into the floodlit parking lot, and the cold air raised goosebumps on her arms. She drew the wrap closer around her and swallowed a sigh. “I hope it isn’t what I’m guessing, but Nichelle and I have unfinished business.”
Chapter 15
Zack caught himselfwhistling as he buttoned his shirtsleeves. Convincing Gina to give him another chance hadn’t been easy, but it was so worth it. He didn’t know if she completely believed his explanation about Eli, but she hadn’t called him a liar, not outright anyway. This evening would be his chance to clear up any doubts she still held about him.
On Sunday, when they had dinner with their parents and welcomed Liz home, Eli dared him to invite Gina on a double date. This, after Zack shared how Eli unintentionally put him in the doghouse. He remembered Gina and wanted to meet the woman who had stared him down at the light. According to Eli, Jamila, the woman he was now dating, was also suspicious about Gina’s reaction.
“Going out together is the perfect way to lay all the bad feelings to rest,” Eli said.
“Until you land yourself in trouble again,” Liz commented around a mouthful of their mother’s potato pudding.
“For your information,” Eli shot back, “Jamila is the only person I’m seeing, and I intend to keep it that way.”
“Bravo.” Their mother beamed as she sat at the table. “Maybe the grandchildren I need will arrive sooner.”
“Here we go again,” Eli muttered. At his normal pitch, he continued, “All in good time. Who knows, Zack may get there before me.”