Page 40 of Thor
She talked in hushed tones to someone on the other side and then closed the door. After a minute she turned back and spotted him.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I tried not to wake you.”
“To be honest I usually don’t sleep much. To me this is sleeping in.”
She gave him a quizzical expression. “How sad. One of the things I’ve loved the most since I’ve been here is sleeping.”
He chuckled. “When you’re as old as I am, you will find sleep to be a necessity, not a luxury.”
“Well, for now, I’ll take my luxuries where I can.” She smiled and sat at the table to put on her shoes.
“You headed to work?”
She nodded. “Not as long as yesterday but I do have a six-hour shift.”
“You’re gonna be off in time to go to my dad’s family dinner, right?”
She stopped tying her shoes. “Are you sure you want me there? I mean it is a family thing.”
“Of course I want you there. If for nothing else then to distract my family from pestering me with questions about how I’m doing.”
“Oh, so you’re using me as a diversion?”
“Well, my father and brothers and cousins were never able to resist a pretty face.”
“What about you?”
Thor smiled. “Luckily with you I don’t have to.”
* * *
Thor spentthe day working on his dad’s bike. Time flew and before he realized it, it was time to pick up Elle. He’d not looked forward to something in so long that the sensation left him feeling anxious.
Anxious?He’d never been anxious before. Not before battle, not before ceremonies, not before anything. But somehow introducing Elle to his family made him anxious. Not because he was afraid they wouldn’t like her, how could they not? But because he was afraid they would do something to scare her off. But if he was being honest with himself, he would be willing to do anything, go anywhere to keep her. Even if it meant leaving his family to do it.
* * *
Thor walkedthrough the portal to Midgard. He jogged up the stairs. Heimdall nodded to him and Thor headed to the lofts. When he got to Elle’s door he found it open.
“I’m telling you, this isn’t a good idea,” said someone.
“Why?” Elle asked. “Thor and his entire family will be there.”
“I can’t be safer anywhere in the underworld than with the entire family of Norse gods.”
Val glowered at her. “That’s not what I mean.”
“I can’t be afraid forever, Val. You brought me here to have a life. That’s what I’m doing. Would you rather I fell for a demon or something else?”
“Of course not it’s just—”
“What? You’ll be there too I assume.”
Thor knocked on the door and it swung inward. Val turned to look at him. Both she and Elle were in expensive dresses and heels. Elle’s red hair had been pulled off her neck and her emerald green dress showed off her flawless peachy skin.
Val eyed him for a moment and then strode from the room, stomped down the hall, and disappeared down the stairs.