Page 44 of Thor
For the first time Val actually appeared... happy? No. Not happy. Content maybe. And to Elle’s surprise Loki’s hand lay on Val’s thigh. Val caught her looking and quickly brushed Loki’s hand away. He chuckled before putting his hand back in the same place.
The dinnerwith his family went better than Thor had expected. Fenrir didn’t try to rip Vidar apart for the first time. Neither Hod nor Balder brought up the fact that it was Loki’s fault Hod had shot Balder. Frigg and Odin actually talked like old friends. And Hermod didn’t try to reveal any of the secret messages the family used to send to each other through him. All in all, it was peaceful. Meili spoke to Elle most of the time and the two found they had much in common.
When dessert was served Thor leaned over to Elle and whispered in her ear. “Are you enjoying yourself?”
She smiled at him. “I never knew family gatherings could be like this.”
“Fun. You and your family are... normal. No shouting. No fights. No force watching couples have sex.”
“What?” Who would do such a thing?
“Oh, I was never to participate, not that anyone would have wanted me. But I was forced to remain in the room.”
Thor gripped the arm of his chair tightly enough he thought it might crack. “I said you didn’t need to tell me about your past, but if you do, I can’t promise you I won’t kill every person who has ever hurt you.”
She gave him a tight smile.
They finished their dessert and Elle and Meili began clearing the dishes from the table.
“Let me help.” Thor stood but she took the plate from his hand.
“You sit. I can do this.”
“But you’re my guest.”
“Then as your guest, I expect you to give me what I want. And what I want is for you to sit while I clear the dishes.” She turned on her heels and headed for the kitchen.
Thor watched her go and sipped his ale. He loved the soft way her hips swished as she moved. So graceful. So mesmerizing. Like watching flames in a fire.
It was strange watching her and Meili standing at the kitchen sink, washing dishes and talking. She fit in naturally. As if she’d always been there, not that she was meeting most of them for the first time.
His family moved about the space. Several of his brothers began a game of darts while a few others started a game of pool.
Thor took a swig of ale and another mug appeared in front of him. The chair next to him pulled out and Hod sat next to him.
“I’m surprised you came,” said Hod.
“It was time.”
They sat in silence for a moment.
“You care for this one,” Hod said. “You care a lot.”
Thor glanced at his brother. It still astounded him how someone who had no physical sight was able to see so much.
“I do,” Thor admitted.
Hod nodded and laid his hand on Thor’s shoulder. “It’s good you’ve finally found happiness and made peace with the past. You would have missed out on something amazing with her if you hadn’t.”
Thor stared at Hod for a moment. “What do you mean?”
“I mean with Surtr. Forgiving him for Ragnarök, and finally realizing it had to come about. I mean, if nothing else, it allowed us to come here and it allowed you to find her.”
Thor’s mind whirled. “What are you talking about? I haven’t forgiven Surtr. I will still avenge us for what he did.”