Page 37 of His Daggered Heart
I look at him and can’t help but bust into another fit of laughter. He knows her as well as I do. This shit is going to be fun. We finally get our shit together and make it toward the door where she waits, sticking the finger with both hands at both of us as she mouths, “Fuck you.”
Chapter 27
Cora: Do you think it’s bad if I go to this party tonight even though I’m pregnant?
Me: No, it’s not like you’re drinking.
Cora: True
Me: Also no one knows
Cora: But I know, I don’t know
Me: Cora, you aren’t even showing yet, enjoy the moments you have left before my little niece comes into this world.
Cora: We don’t know if it’s a girl or a boy yet, Alex
Me: I know, I have a gift
Cora: Sure, I wish you could see me
Me: Why? Also, I can’t believe you’re having a baby
Cora: Because I’m rolling my eyes so hard
Cora: I know right, omg
Me: I’m so proud, how is Levi?
Cora: stahpppp
Me: Yup, you are in love, I have a gift remember
Cora: ttyl…
Me: Don’t run away, face your love haha
It feels weird being at a party with all the people I love, Cora and Levi, Kohen and me. All our personalities just fit so perfectly together. I don’t know if Levi and Cora will become anything more than friends but I do know they are smitten with each other. Levi is a good man and my best friend deserves a good man, even if that’s my other best friend.
They say everything happens for a reason and maybe this is it. All the bullshit I put Kohen through, his leaving, our toxic as fuck relationship all led to where we are right now and to Levi.
It also led to my first best friend being best friends with my man. It’s just crazy when I think about it. My mind spirals but in a good way. Meant to be. That’s it.
I watch Kohen lead me through the crowd, his toned arms stretched out. I follow the veins and tattoos down to where our hands meet. Then I turn back and see Cora’s beautiful face, glowing and radiant with a smile only Levi could place there. Her hand extends to him as she leads him. Kohen and Levi are at the front and back, our protectors.
This party isn’t too wild, there are people but it isn’t crowded. We hoped it was as low-key as Britt made it seem. I know that she and Krista chill with these people quite a bit, they are some of my friends from dance, and Kohen knows them, too. Apparently, these parties are by invitation only.
The dark mansion sits on the edge of the campus, at the top of a hill surrounded by trees, masking it from us regular folk. Rumor has it that this place houses a secret society under the guise of a frat house. The decor is exquisite. It kind of reminds me of Kohen’s place, black with lots of gold accents, all fine lines and perfection.
I look over at the stairs, my intuition screaming at me to look up. So I follow the curve of the banister up to the top floor. My eyes are met with his brown ones.
He stares at me and my stomach drops. My grip tightens around Kohen’s as I take a few quick steps closer to him, to my safety. He returns the tight grasp with one of his own. I look up at him, his profile so handsome.
“You okay, angel?” he shouts over the music.