Page 7 of His Daggered Heart
“Or maybe, you’re fucking sorry for waking up a beast I had long laid to rest. I’m not letting you go, Alex Monroe, you belong to me…”
More tears fall, mascara and sweat mixing with them, painting my face. I don’t even bother to wipe them away as I hear Levi’s monster truck pull up.
Levi begins the walk to my passenger door and taps his knuckles on the window. I know once I tell him what happened, he is going to get all big brother on me. I roll down the window and he leans over, popping his head in. He takes one look at me and his huge radiant smile turns to a frown, his brows furrowing together with worry blazing in his ocean eyes. Pulling at the door handle I unlock it and he climbs in, pulling me to him.
“Why are you crying, sweetness? What the hell happened?”
He gently pushes me away from him, searching my eyes for an explanation. There won’t be one. I don’t even know how to explain what happened or if I want to. I need some time to process this. My mind feels like a tornado swept through it. I also don’t want to tell Levi that Kohen basically challenged him. Levi doesn’t deserve his wrath. He has already done so much for me, so instead I decide to lie. The first lie I will tell him, but it’s for his own good.
“Nothing, I just had a flat tire and I couldn’t get it off. I didn’t want to bother you but it’s hot and I got frustrated and couldn’t do anything. So I started crying. I’m sorry, I’m just a little bish.” I grace him with a little smile and he returns a bright one of his own.
“I’m sorry, darlin’. I would have come straight away if I’d known. I was a little distracted because I was changing for training and this guy introduced himself to me and heard your voice message.”
My heart drops. I don’t even need him to say it. I already know who it is, and that explains why he came here. I gulp.
“He said you sounded cute or somethin’ and asked for your name. I didn’t give it to him but I thought it was odd to ask, especially since he didn’t know if you were my girl or not.” He stares out the windshield as he ponders the situation. To him, it’s a slight form of disrespect. Levi is funny like that. He’s all about his manners and is always polite. I know he couldn’t have said or done anything to Kohen but I’m sure playing my voice messages was enough.
“Hmm, that’s odd. What else did he say?” I grab a wet wipe from the center console. Levi put them there. I begin to wipe all the makeup from my face.
“Well, he welcomed me to the team.” I freeze. I had a feeling my luck would bring me here and here I am. Heison the gymnastics team with Kohen. Fuck. “Then he asked how long I had known you. That really raised a red flag because I never used your name, and he never gave me his. Come to think of it, he never did end up in the gym with us.”
He looks over at me and I pull the mirror open to look at myself. I cannot make eye contact with him knowing I just lied about why I’m crying. Like I said, with Levi the little things matter.
“Sweetness?” he questions. “Is there something you’re not telling me?” He reaches over and grabs my chin, gently forcing me to look at him. “I already put two and two together, Alex, so give me the tea, sugar.” A single tear falls from my eye and he wipes it away.
“It was Kohen,” I say quietly. My eyes meet his and fury has filled them. I’m ashamed, and I never feel ashamed, but Levi means so much to me. His friendship is special and it has filled the empty spaces of my heart that hurt and loss used to reside in.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” The hurt expression on his face tears me open.
“I’m sorry, I just didn’t want you to get mixed up in it. He basically challenged you and-”
“Alex, look at me.” He doesn’t let me finish my sentence. “I’m already involved. You are my best friend and I love you. Now I understand why you lied but I’m asking you right now to never lie to me again. I got you, remember, but I don’t deal with all that lying crap. Best friends don’t tell lies. At least not to each other,” he laughs, nudging me with his elbow. “Deal?” I join him in laughter and nudge him back.
“Deal, and I love you too, Lee.” Relief floods my heart and soul at his words. I’m so happy he isn’t upset.
“Now, on to Kohen. Tell me everything he said because next time I see that motherfucker, I’m giving him a piece of my mind.”
Chapter 8
Corahasn’tbeenaroundmuch the last couple of weeks and we haven’t really talked to each other since she met Levi. I tried texting her but her responses are straight to the point. Could she honestly be this mad at me? I guess it’s about time for me to go home and make shit right between us. I miss her.
Thankfully, I haven’t had any more run-ins with Kohen, either. Ever since I saw him, I can’t get him out of my mind. I’ve been having these vivid dreams that wake me from my sleep. They are almost always sexual, and I fucking hate it. I don’t want to want him anymore.
Having Levi around is like having a 24/7 bodyguard. Anytime we go anywhere, people always assume we are together, so they don’t hit on me. Thank fuck for that. We don’t act like we are a couple or anything but we also don’t correct anyone. I think we both like it in our little friendship bubble. It keeps the people we don’t want to hit on us away. He’s a huge cock block, which I love because I’m actually taking time for myself by healing and moving on while I get to do all these fun things with Levi.
I lay on the oversized lounge chair in the corner of Levi’s room while he showers. I love this chair. I keep joking about taking it to my house and he isn’t having it. He claims it is his favorite chair and that his nana gave it to him. Levi has a huge family, full of love and light. I wish I had that growing up. All I had was Cora and Cecille, and my mother treated me like an inconvenience. He calls his family on Facetime a lot, and so far I’ve met his nana, mom, cousin, and ex-girlfriend. They are still good friends and it just solidifies that Levi is an incredible man. I doubted myself, figuring my radar for good men was broken.
This is why I’m glad Levi is like a big brother- he’s never had any type of sexual expectations from me. He just cares so much about people and I’m a person. I shift in the chair, making myself comfortable laying on my stomach as I think about the way I let him in. It just feels right, like a missing puzzle piece when I thought the puzzle was already completed.
My phone buzzes and I see Crystal’s smiling face, so I answer.
“Hey, Crystal Anne, how are you?”
“Hey, hun! I am great, how about yourself?” she responds, her chipper voice flooding my body with endorphins. Her energy is so positive.
“I’m great, just so busy with school and rehearsals.” My cheeks begin to hurt from matching her radiant smile.