Page 20 of Savage Behavior
Krista held my arm tightly, her eyes wide with wonder, like a kid in a candy store. We made our way further into the crowded dance floor, and then Ryder shouted us out.
“Everyone put your hands together and welcome the lady of the hour, Britt B., and her best friend, Krista!” I looked over at my best friend, whose cheeks were rose red, “Oh my god, Britt.”
“I know, babe, he said your name. Oh my gosh!” she squealed in excitement, and then music started to play. Real music. I made eye contact with Ryder, and he winked. He knew that I knew he secretly wanted Krista. We begin to dance, carefree and letting go, swaying our bodies and thrusting our hips to the beat ofEscapism by Raye.
Suddenly, I felt big hands grab my hips, and the scent of my man engulfed me.
I watched her across the room for a while, her carefree smile and attitude, a side of her you didn’t usually see. My cock stirred; she was only this carefree on the dance floor. Something about it just opened her up, and it was sexy as fuck. Her wide hips swayed to the beat, and I couldn’t help myself. Gravity pulled me to her like a magnet, an invisible string that had been attached to her since the moment I set eyes on my little troublemaker.
We had twenty minutes until the claiming ceremony. My induction as the new leader and president of the knights was complete. I had to get branded, so my right shoulder was killing me, but I wouldn’t let it ruin the best night of my life. The night I made Britt mine.
I wrapped my arms around her tiny waist, moving my hands down to her hips, slightly gripping them. She leaned her head back on my chest and started to grind her juicy little ass into my groin. I groaned, my dick so hard for her it hurt. I wished I could take it out and fuck her right here, but no. I'd waited this long, and I was going to cherish our claiming. Her body twisted and swirled against me. Deciding to give in, I pushed up into her. She turned to face me. Shock splayed across her gorgeous face. “Hey, caveman,” she smiled as she pressed her tits against me. I leaned down and kissed her, continuing to sway with her.
A faster song came on, and she lifted her hands, taking her moment as the main character. She didn’t expect me to slide in and match her energy. Her eyes widened as I moved my body with hers and began to lead. She followed my movements perfectly. Our bodies worked together as one, and the heat between us built and built as we continued to dance. I lifted her up, and her legs wrapped around my waist, and we kissed; we kissed so passionately and so desperate for each other that the entire dance floor disappeared, the music went mute, and it was just her and I. Mint and Peach invaded my senses as I inhaled her scent. I grabbed the back of her neck, pushing her down into my cock as I ground into her, and she met me stroke for stroke. The need for each other was a palpable force. A force to be reckoned with, a force no one dared try and separate. The noise suddenly crashed into the moment, pulling us out of our hypnotic make-out session.
“It’s almost midnight,” Krista reminded us. I looked at my watch, “Oh shit! We have to go Trouble”. It was 11:55. I rushed us to the elevator; my ring should have been activated by now. I brought my hand up to my face, examining the D embedded in the onyx stone, and then I pushed it into the button. The elevator whirred to life, and the numbers at the top showed us that it was coming up from a lower level. Krista was in tears; she and Britt had a long embrace. She didn’t know enough about what was happening, so I was sure it seemed scary. Especially since Britt had protected her from so much. The doors slid open, and Britt entered with me, holding onto Krista’s hand until the last minute. They both said I love you before the doors slid shut.
Chapter 15
The Dungeon
“You look exquisite Trouble”
Her cheeks flushed, something that didn’t usually occur at a simple compliment.
“Thank you, caveman. I didn’t know what I should wear, but this felt,” she paused, a shy innocence falling over her features. “appropriate,” she finished.
“You are perfection personified; beauty couldn’t touch you, and there are no words for a woman as unique as you. So exquisite will have to do,” I told her as I ran a finger down her tan cheek. She shivered at my touch, and I loved it, goosebumps rippling over her soft skin. I grabbed her hand and brought it to my lips. Only moments left before we would be separated by darkness. I kissed it softly before warning her.
“It’s going to be dark, and we are going to be separated. But just trust the process, and if you can’t, then at least trust me. I’ll be waiting for you, Trouble”.
“Wait, what?” the elevator came to a halt.
“Do you trust me?”
“Yes,” she replied without pause. “Then I’ll see you at the altar.”
The heavy doors slid open, and the darkness engulfed us.
Chapter 16
The Cleansing
I couldn’t see a fucking thing. My heart was pounding in my chest. My brain was battling with my heart; my fight or flight turned all the way up as I felt hands all over my body. I trusted Derek, though; if he said I was safe, then I must be because I knew without a shadow of a doubt that he wouldn’t let one hair on my head be harmed.
I allowed my body to become fluid. I could feel myself getting lifted onto some sort of couch or chair and carried through the dark space. It was almost pitch black, with the exception of white curtains and white lights at the top of the ceiling every two or three feet. Sweet cinnamon filled the air and saturated my senses, helping me feel at peace.
A humming sound filled the space; it reminded me of something, but I couldn’t put a finger on it. It sounded like a consistent drumming, low but powerful. As I floated through the sea of people, I could feel the energy of Derek closer, the magnetic pull we had closing in.
They kept moving with me toward him, and then it became clear that it wasn’t drums but chanting. I couldn’t tell what they were saying, but it was definitely Latin.
I felt a soft thud as they placed me down. And then the chanting stopped, and the lights came on. It wasn’t too bright but more of a soft, shadowy glow. There was a balance of light and darkness here. Fitting for us, my eyes were drawn to the glass clawfoot tub on my right. I sat up and looked over my shoulder to see where they had brought me from. A crowd of masks were looking up at me on this stage. A voice boomed through the space,