Page 51 of Wrapped in You
"What do you mean?" Jeremy asked. He, too, pretended everything was right as rain.
"It's just that, well. We're almost done here, and..." Joe stuttered.
But suddenly, Derek was in the foyer. He grabbed his coat from the coatrack. His eyes were difficult to read. "Don't leave on my account," he said.
Sophie reached out to touch Derek's back. His eyes met hers. "I'd better be getting back," he told her. His expression was difficult to read.
"Please, don't go! We just got started," Sophie said. She made her tone light and playful. What she really wanted to do was throw her arms around him.
"It's getting late," Derek said. "I have a lot to prepare for tomorrow." He met Joe's gaze.
Joe looked as though he'd made an enormous mess.
"Good night, Masters family!" Derek called.
And then, he slipped past Jeremy on the porch, hurried to the sidewalk, and strode out of sight.
Chapter Fifteen
Jeremy didn't stay long at Sophie's house. Despite how kind and welcoming Sophie pretended to act, despite how big she forced her smile, he could sense he wasn't wanted there. He handed Sophie the bouquet and said, "The director's right. I have a lot to prepare for tomorrow, too."
After he left, Cindy said, "Isn't he just the traffic control guy? What does he have to prepare for? Does he have to iron his bright yellow vest?" She had an ornament in her hand, and she was attaching it to one of the top branches of the Christmas tree.
Joe sat on the sofa with his head in his hands. "I'm so sorry, Sophie. To be honest, I ran into him at the gym this morning, and we got to talking. I could tell he really missed you." He raised his chin to look Sophie in the eye. "You know I always loved Jeremy."
"He broke her heart, Dad," Cindy reminded him.
"People make mistakes, don't they?" Joe offered. "He made the mistake of a lifetime! But he wants to make up for it."
Sophie's stomach curdled. She loved her father. She needed his love so badly. But she'd never imagined he'd meddle this much with her love life.
They're really worried about my happiness, she realized.They'll do anything to make sure I'm safe. And married.
"I had no idea you were seeing that man," Joe offered. "Last I heard, you hated him."
"Hate is a strong word," Sophie replied, picking up an ornament and hanging it on a lower branch. "But I didn't invite him over. He was on a walk and got too cold to continue."
"How convenient," Mary said, her eyes glistening.
"Mom..." Sophie sighed. "Not everything has to be a big, romantic story."
"I just think we need to be realistic about who that guy is," Cindy continued. "He's a big-shot Hollywood director. He's a lonely shark. He'll swallow you up and go back West."
Sophie took another ornament from the box. For the first time in her life, she considered asking her family to head home.
But Mary sensed it. She clapped her hands, ready to save the day.
"No more conversation about Sophie's love life," she ordered. "And you," she said to Joe, pressing her fingers into his shoulder, "no more inviting Jeremy around. I'm going to order Chinese food. Enough for everyone. And we're going to stay and have a beautiful night as a family. Okay?" She looked Sophie in the eye.
"Sounds good," Sophie agreed.
What kept Sophie awake that night was fear of what was going through Derek's mind. From his side of things, her ex-fiancé had shown up at Sophie's house with a bouquet. He'd run away. Maybe Sophie would have done the same.
It was a shame. They'd had such a beautiful few hours together. It had been a dream.
The following morning on set began with yet another disaster. Sophie couldn't believe it.
They were filming another downtown scene. Brent's and Natalie's characters walked side by side through glinting snow, talking and fighting in turn. It was a part of the script meant to show just how exhilarating their attraction was—how much they couldn't resist each other, even though they fought like crazy.