Page 9 of Wrapped in You
Cindy wagged her eyebrows. "Handsome, though. Did you mention that?"
Mary's eyes widened. "You did not mention that!" She sounded accusatory.
"Do Derek Brownlee's looks really matter here?" Sophie asked. "He's a sinister, Christmas-hating Hollywood director. He probably hates Willow Creek and everything we stand for."
"Dad's idea was for Sophie to cram as much Christmas cheer down his throat as she can," Mary said to Cindy mischievously as she tore into a piece of naan.
"That'll show him." Cindy laughed. Her eyes flashed. "You've been working crazy-long hours, haven't you?"
Sophie nodded. "It's more rigorous than I thought. But I can't complain."
The film is literally saving Culinary Tastings' life.
Suddenly, Annie knocked over her bottle of milk, and Cindy fell to the ground to grab it before it rolled away.
"Those are the reflexes we need for the Knicks this year." Joe snapped his fingers. "Cindy, have you considered going out for the team?"
Cindy guffawed and clambered to her feet, fixing her hair as she went. "Do they have free childcare at the Knicks?"
"They better," Joe said.
"Then sign me up," Cindy declared.
Everyone laughed as Cindy settled back into the chair beside her daughter. For the thousandth time, Sophie realized how suited Cindy was to motherhood. She enjoyed the chaos. She took it in stride.
Sophie had always been the more responsible one. The workaholic one with a steady boyfriend and an uncomplicated future.
Why did everything fall apart?
"I have another idea for your anti-Christmas director," Joe said, reaching for another serving of curry. He always ate faster than everyone else. "You should hire the church choir to do some caroling during lunch!"
Cindy clapped her hands. "That's a brilliant idea."
"He'll melt on the spot," Mary agreed. "Like the Wicked Witch of the West."
Cindy and Sophie caught one another's gaze. How many times had they watchedThe Wizard of Ozas children? It seemed like they had it on almost constantly. It had been such a favorite that Cindy had thrown Sophie an Oz-themed girls-onlyengagement party—one separate from their engagement party at the convention center. She bought Sophie an adorable Dorothy costume, and all of her friends, Cindy, and Mary dressed up like characters in the film.
Mary winced as though she'd just remembered. Sophie thought she didn't want to make an Oz reference and remind me of everything I'd lost.
"Who wants more naan?" Mary asked, breaking the tension.
After dinner, Annie and Peter fell asleep in Cindy's old bedroom, and Cindy, Sophie, and Mary went to the kitchen to clean up. Vic joined Joe in the garage to look at an old motor that Joe wanted to fine-tune.
"Another retirement project?" Cindy asked as she lined plates in the dishwasher.
"He's only been retired two weeks, and it's like he's a different man." Mary smiled. "I swear, he's going to stress himself out with all these new hobbies. He told me the other day that he wants to learn French!"
Sophie giggled and poured herself a little bit of wine. Warmth flooded through her, as it always did when she was with her mother and sister.
Suddenly, Mary's eyes were on her. "I don't suppose anyone on that movie set has captured your attention?"
Sophie winced with surprise.
"Mom!" Cindy laughed. "Sophie is a business-minded woman. She's there to do a job."
"That doesn't mean she can't date," Mary quipped.
Sophie's stomach tightened. "Jeremy is working on set."