Page 43 of One More Gift
“Are you OK?” he asks quietly. “About what happened, with us?”
The strangest thing is that it doesn’t feel strange at all. I’ve never kissed another guy before last night, or touched anyone else's dick. Never thought it was something I particularly wanted to do, but once we started, I didn’t want to stop.
“Pleasure is pleasure,” I say, repeating his words from yesterday. “And I certainly had a lot of it last night.”
“You've learned a few things.” A coy smile spreads across his face, and I’d be tempted to roll my eyes, but he’s right. He taught me a lot about Saskia, and a few new things about myself, too. I’ll let him have the win. This time.
“I had a good teacher.”
The fingers in my hair stroke down my cheek and come to a stop on my bare chest. “Still, we should have talked before, about you and I, not just our plans for her.”
Curling my hand around his hip, I pull him even closer, smiling when I feel his erection nudge against my thigh.
“I’m fine, Casper. I promise, we didn’t do anything I wasn’t one hundred percent into.”
“You’re sure?”
“I’m sure. What you did for her was a gift for both of us. And I’m grateful for it.”
The impulse to wrap my hand around his length is one I don’t fight, then his mouth is back on mine, my own cock thickening as he reaches down between us.
By the time Saskia returns, Casper has me on my back, straddling my hips while we stroke each other off and lose ourselves in messy kisses.
“Get in here,” I beckon, while he sucks at my throat.
“No, don’t mind me,” she says, pulling the chair from the corner to the foot of her bed. “I’m far too exhausted to play. You boys have fun and let me enjoy the show.”
Chapter 27
I figured Henry andCasper would be exhausted after the amount of energy and attention they showered me with yesterday, so finding them jerking each other into a frenzy was a pleasant surprise.
After watching them come and helping them clean up, I let them fall back asleep, and made my way downstairs to deal with the aftermath of yesterday.
I can't contain my shock, muffling my giggles with my palm, when I take in the chaos of the living room. Lights still twinkle on the tree, illuminating a room that is strewn with clothes and sex toys.
Paper chains are still secured around each leg of the dining table, and I detach them carefully and drape what’s still intact around the tree, knowing it will be a filthy reminder for the rest of our time here.
Yesterday was a far from traditional Christmas. We didn’t even eat a proper meal, something I’m determined to remedy today. After getting the house back in order, I peel potatoes and carrots, and cover the turkey with a herb butter.
Once it's in the oven, I make a big cup of coffee, wrap up in my winter coat, and take it out to the small patio. Casper and I have shared many summer evenings here, chatting and eating and watching the sun set over the hills in the distance.
The snow is melting at last, and I sweep what’s left off a chair before taking a seat at our little table and tipping my face to the sky.
This part of the country is beautiful at any time of year, but especially when sparkling in the low winter sun. A robin lands on the back of the other chair, its full red breast a circle of joy against the backdrop of white, green, and brown.
One would think that after several days of sex with your oldest friend and your ex-husband that your mind would be in a muddle, but I feel a deep sense of peace. There’s no shame or angst churning in the pit of my stomach, no panic about where we go from here. Just peace and gratitude.
Two men have loved me, in their own ways, from near and far, for all of my adult life. I could not be luckier.
I’m halfway through my coffee when the door behind me clicks open, and Casper steps out, all dressed in his trademark black.
“The snow is melting,” he says, taking the seat opposite me. “I’ll probably be able to get back on the road today.”
My heart sinks a little, even though deep down I’ve known this was inevitable. It’s not like this can go on forever. Ultimately, the events of the past few days don’t change anything between Casper and I. He still wants a family, and I don’t. No amount of threesomes will convince me otherwise.
“I have another gift for you,” he says, handing me a large manila envelope.