Page 114 of Unhinged Alphas
His hand twitches toward his weapon, but another soldier grabs his arm. "Don't," she warns. "Command wants her unharmed."
The first soldier scowls but backs down. I file that information away for later. They need me alive and unhurt. That gives me some leverage, at least.
And Valek…
Maybe he got away. He wouldn't stay to fight. I'm sure he vanished into the forest like a shadow the moment he realized there was no way to save me.
But not Wraith.
Wraith would never let them take me if he were still alive.
I know it.
My heart sinks into the pit of my stomach. I feellike I'm going to pass out, vomit, or both. And not just because my head hurts. The soldiers' conversation drifts in and out of my consciousness as I struggle to stay alert. My head throbs, each word they speak pounding against my skull.
"...biggest haul yet..."
"...train was loaded..."
"...Command will be pleased..."
I force myself to focus, straining to catch any mention of Wraith.
But these bastards are being careful. They know I'm listening. And that means he might be alive. There would be no reason for them to be cautious if they'd killed him.
At least, that's what I'm telling myself.
I have to hold out hope.
My heart won't let me consider anything else.
Valek's words from before echo in my head, taunting me. How he said I love Wraith. I didn't think I loved any of them. But after everything that's happened since, and now, fearing for his safety even above mine…
Now, I think I do love him.
I think I might love the whole pack.
Even Valek. That's why his betrayal stung so much.
Figures I'd realize that when I'm probably never going to see any of them again. Life is cruel that way. Always has been, always will be, for as long as I have left.
And I might not have long at all.
If these bastards try to subjugate me again, try to sell me off, try to touch me… I'll bite off my own tongue and choke to death on my own blood.
They think they can hold me?
That's cute.
The hovercraft begins to descend, the change in pressure making my ears pop. I brace myself as we touch down with a bone-jarring thud.
"On your feet, omega," an alpha female soldier orders, hauling me up by my arm.
I stumble as they push me toward the exit, my bound feet making it difficult to walk. The hatch opens with a hiss, revealing a stark white hallway that makes my stomach drop.
It's like the Refinement Center all over again.
They march me down endless corridors, each one identical to the last. The smell of antiseptic burns my nose, bringing back memories I've tried so hard to forget.