Page 6 of Unhinged Alphas
Valek pauses, his hand on the door. "Yes?"
Nikolai's grin widens, a flash of white teeth in the dim light. "Give my regards to the little lady, won't you?"
The words hit me like a punch to the gut.
He knows.
Somehow, he knows about Ivy.
Wraith tenses beside me, his massive body going rigid and pupils blowing wide with the urge to rip Nikolai apart. My own hand twitches for my gun. I could have it in my hands in a flash, before the others can even react.
But Valek doesn't so much as blink. "Little lady?" he echoes, his voice carefully neutral.
Nikolai chuckles, a low, menacing sound that sets my teeth on edge. "Come now, Prytel. It's clearyou have an omega tucked away somewhere in that big, 'empty' mansion of yours. Why else would you and your men be so on edge all evening?"
He spreads his rough palms, a gesture of mock innocence. "Not that I blame you, of course. It's only natural for an alpha to keep an omega. And as any true Vrissian male would, you protect what is yours."
He doesn't need to say the words. It's clear enough.
I know your weakness.
I know how to hurt you.
Valek smiles, a thin, brittle grimace that doesn't reach his eyes. "I'll be sure to give her your regards," he says, his voice dripping with false sincerity. "Goodnight, gentlemen."
And with that, we're gone, the door clicking shut behind us with a finality that echoes in the sudden silence, Wraith close on my heels. I let out a ragged breath as the adrenaline slamming through my veins comes to a head, leaving me dizzy and sick.
"Damn, you Vrissian fuckers know how to party," I mutter.
Valek blows a puff of air through his nose. "We should kill them," he says, his voice low and urgentas we make our way back to the main house. "Nikolai, at least. He is too dangerous to leave alive."
Wraith grunts in agreement. It's rare he shares an opinion on anything mission related, let alone one that backs up Valek.
I hesitate, torn between the desire to protect Ivy at all costs and the knowledge that blowing our cover will make her vulnerable not only to Nikolai but the entire Council. I like our odds against these Vrissian outlaws better than a whole damn army. One I had a large hand in training.
"No," I say, the word bitter on my tongue. "We stick to the plan. But someone needs to be watching the guest house at all times. We can't let our guard down, not for a second."
Valek nods, his jaw tight. "Agreed. I'll take first watch."
I clap him on the shoulder, a silent acknowledgment of the shaky trust that binds us. Trust he's earned after tonight. "I'll relieve you in a few hours. In the meantime, I need to check on Ivy again."
He gives a curt nod, already moving toward the guest house with a predator's grace. I watch him go, a sense of unease coiling in my gut.
This is far from over.
And something tells me the worst is yet to come.
I turn and make my way back to the mansion with Wraith keeping pace beside me, low growls emanating from his tense body. My mind is already racing with contingency plans and worst-case scenarios. But beneath it all, there's only one thought, one driving need that consumes me utterly.
Protect Ivy.
No matter what the cost.