Page 185 of Psycho Pack
"Darlings," he croaks. "So glad you see you, so very…alive. I was worried when I heard the Council put out a bounty on your heads." His gaze drifts over to me, a hint of curiosity and admiration glinting there. I don't like that at all, regardless of the fact he looks like a beautiful fallen angel. "And the little omega. No wonder they specified they wantedyouunharmed."
Wraith growls possessively against my back, and the others close ranks around me.
"Yes, I'm sure you were worried sick," Plague says in a monotone.
I watch as the alpha extricates himself from the tangle of limbs with surprising grace, leaving his companions to turn to each other in his absence. He ties the sash of his silky whiterobe over his toned abdomen, but the thin fabric still leaves absolutely nothing to the imagination.
"In any case, you're here. Better late than never," he purrs, straightening his clothes. "I must say, you clean up rather nicely." He gestures around at the decadent surroundings. "Welcome to my den of iniquity."
"Youownthis place?" Valek snarls, his silver eyes flashing dangerously behind his snake mask.
"Who is that?" I whisper to Plague.
"Raven," Plague replies, his voice dripping with disdain. "Our informant."
Raven's lips curve into a smug smirk that immediately shoots him toward the top of my list of my least favorite people. "Of course I do. How else do you think I get such reliable intelligence? People tend to... loosen up in establishments like this."
My alphas are so tense, I'm starting to worry all hell is about to break loose. Valek's nails dig into his palms, and I know he's calculating how quickly he could cross the space between them. How many seconds it would take to wrap those hands around Raven's throat and throttle him to death.
"You lying snake," Valek hisses, taking a menacing step forward. "All that time playing the innocent informant?—"
"Ah ah," Raven tuts, waggling a finger. "I'd think very carefully about your next move. See those gentlemen by the bar? And those lovely ladies near the stage? Not to mention the dozens more you can't see..." He smiles, all teeth. "They're not just here for the ambiance."
I scan the room, noting the strategically placed guards he's pointing out. They're all watching us now, hands hovering near concealed weapons.
"You're surrounded," Raven continues pleasantly. "And while I'm sure you could take quite a few of them down, it would rather defeat the purpose of your little infiltration, wouldn't it?"
Thane's hand shoots out, grabbing Valek's arm before he can lunge. "Stand down," he growls.
"Besides," Raven adds, examining his perfectly manicured nails, "I delivered exactly what I promised, didn't I? The information about dear Monty was quite accurate."
"I should gut you where you stand," Valek spits.
"But you won't," Raven says with infuriating confidence. "Because you need me. And because killing me would bring this entire operation crashing down around your ears before you've even started. You're late, you know. An entire week late."
"We got sidetracked," Thane growls with a pointed glance at Valek.
Raven smiles. "I take it I'm not the only snake in your midst, then?"
Wraith lets out a low, constant growl.
I watch the silent war playing out between them.
But Raven's right.
We can't afford to blow our cover now.
Not when we're so close.
"Besides," Raven continues. "If I wanted to double cross you, do you really think you would have made it through those doors unscathed? You're quite obvious, even in your disguises."
That earns a low growl of grudging acknowledgment from the others.
"Where is he?" Thane asks, his voice tight with barely contained rage.
Raven's smile widens. "Top floor, private room three. Like I said, he's nothing if not punctual. Unlikeyou. Creature of habit, our Monty." He leans in conspiratorially. "And between youand me, he has quite... specific tastes. The kind that make him particularly vulnerable to blackmail."
"If you're lying…" Valek starts, but Raven cuts him off with a laugh.