Page 2 of Psycho Pack
Wraith's massive hands span my waist, his grip almost painfully tight. Like he's afraid I'll disappear if he loosens his hold even a fraction. A low rumble builds in his chest, vibrating through me.
I break the kiss, gasping for air. Wraith's eyes are wild, pupils blown wide with a mix of desire and disbelief. His chest heaves, each breath coming out in a ragged pant.
"I'm not going anywhere," I whisper, resting my forehead against his. I hold his gaze even though he flinches like it physically hurts when I look at him, even though he's barely making eye contact right now, glancing at me and then away, then back at me, then away.
I hold him tighter, willing him to believe me.
To trust me.
Slowly, so slowly, he nods. The tension drains from his massive frame, and he sags against me. I wrap my arms around his neck, holding him close as he buries his face in the crook of my neck, being so careful not to cut my throat.
For a long moment, we float there in silence, clinging to each other. The gentle lapping of water against stone is the only sound. I run my fingers through Wraith's tangled hair, instinctively working out the knots as best I can. An omega grooming her alpha.
Imagine that.
But we can't stay here forever.
Reality starts to creep back in, reminding me of our precarious situation. We're still trapped in an underground cavern, with who knows how many people hunting for us. That's if anyone's even still alive up there. The debris has stopped splashing into the water, but the rumbles are still ongoing, even though there are periods between them now where everything is silent.
"We need to move," I murmur reluctantly.
Wraith nods against my neck. He pulls back, his eyes now clear and focused. Whatever vulnerability he allowed himself to show is tucked away again, replaced by that fierce protectiveness I'm more familiar with.
He gestures toward one of the dark tunnels branching off from our little alcove, then points to his nose, signaling he can smell a way out. I nod, understanding, caught up in the moment. I find myself admiring his nose. It's a nice nose, strong and straight, and I'm seeing it for the first time. In spite of how damaged his lower face is, he's still so beautiful to me.
Then he catches me looking at him and his hand flies up to shield some of his mouth from view. Staring at me like this, his blue eyes wide with fear, he looks like a gigantic half-shark wolf puppy I just kicked square in the ribs.
"No, wait, it's not that," I promise him quickly, clinging tighter to him. "I just… I like your nose."
More staring. Then he signs,Why?
"It's a nice nose," I say, giving the tip of his nose a gentle kiss. He flinches again. "And I've never seen it before."
He makes a growling noise that sounds suspiciously like,You're fucking crazy,and wraps a strong arm around my waist. I take a deep breath and brace myself for another swim, nodding to let him know I'm ready.
He dives down, pulling me beneath the surface with him. The water is so dark, I can barely see my hand in front of my face. But Wraith moves with purpose, guiding us unerringly through the twisting passages. I focus on holding my breath, trying to ignore the burning in my lungs as we swim deeper and deeper. I have to trust he knows I don't have his lung capacity. Have to trust he won't let me drown.
And I do.
Because I am fucking crazy, apparently.
Just when I think I can't hold on any longer, we break the surface. I gasp, sucking in huge lungfuls of air. We're in another cavern now, this one much larger than the last. A narrow strip of rocky shore stretches out before us.
Wraith hauls us both out of the water with ease. My legs shake as I try to stand, muscles weak from the long swim and lingering effects of whatever they drugged me with. But Wraith scoops me up in his arms like I weigh nothing, cradling me against his chest as he strides forward.
I guess compared to him, I don't.
The phosphorescent glow is fainter here, casting everything in deep shadows. But Wraith seems to have no trouble navigating the uneven ground. His footsteps are sure and steady as he picks his way through the cavern.
I should probably insist on walking on my own. But the warmth of his skin is too tempting after the icy water, and my body aches all over. So I let myself relax into his hold, resting my head on his shoulder.
"Do you know where we are?" I ask softly.
Wraith shakes his head. His chest rumbles as he lets out a series of growls and snarls. I frown, concentrating on deciphering his meaning.
"Underground... facility?" I guess. "You think this is part of some bigger complex?"
He nods, his eyes crinkling slightly at the corners. He looks happy, almost impressed. He doesn't need to be able to actually smile to communicate that. A small surge of pride warms me. I'm getting better at understanding him.