Page 248 of Psycho Pack
Nikolai's scarred wolfish grin returns in a flash. He reaches for a bottle of clear liquid and pours a generous measure into two glasses. "Wonderful. Let's drink to it, shall we?"
Plague just stares at him stonily.
Nikolai shrugs. "No? More for me, then."
He downs the shot in one smooth motion and slams the glass on the table with enough force to make the cheap wood rattle. "There is something else I'm curious about," he adds, his eyes drifting to Wraith behind his red lenses. I feel Ivy tense beside me immediately. "How did you manage to train it?"
A soft growl rumbles from Wraith's chest, the sound vibrating through the floor. Before any of us can react, Ivy's eyes flash dangerously. "Call him 'it' one more time," she says in that deceptively soft voice that usually precedes violence, "and I'll show you exactly how well-trainedIam."
Nikolai throws his head back and laughs, the sound sharp and jarring in the tense atmosphere. His amusement only seems to enrage Ivy further. I can smell the spike of fury in her delicious honeysuckle scent.
"I meant no harm," Nikolai says, holding up his hands in mock surrender. "But you must understand my curiosity. After all, it's not every day one encounters a survivor from the Vytoskyk facility."
We all freeze. The temperature in the room seems to drop several degrees. I catch the sudden sharp note of concern in Ivy's scent, and my muscles coil instinctively in response.
"What do you mean by that?" I ask carefully, keeping my voice neutral despite the alarm bells ringing in my head.
Nikolai's smile widens, revealing those fangs again. "Did we not agree to stop insulting each other? You didn't think I would do my research on events in my own homeland? As it happens, I recently came into possession of a similar...asset."
I both hear and see Ivy gritting her teeth at that.
To be fair, I'm on edge now, too.
"Found it on my way here, actually," Nikolai continues, swirling another shot. "Quite the specimen."
The scent of Ivy's distress grows stronger. Wraith shifts closer to her, his massive frame radiating protective energy.
"Explain," I demand so she won't have to. And because I'm quite sure she's one stray remark away from lunging for his throat.
"Big son of a bitch," Nikolai says, gesturing expansively. "Eight feet tall at least. Iron mask fused to its face, metal arm. Rods sticking out of its back like swords driven into a knight's armor. Took out two dozen of my best men before we managed to subdue it."
Nikolai sounds almost proud. But I get the feeling he sees his men as little more than toy soldiers.
I almost envy his apathy.
My gaze drifts to Ivy, to her tense profile and the way her jaw ticks with Nikolai's every word, empathy for the Knight and rage emanating from her in equal measure.
"Where is this asset now?" I ask, careful to keep my tone neutral. I'd be quiet content never seeing the damn beast again, but Ivy has always had a soft spot for monsters.
The fact that I'm still alive is proof enough of that.
"Currently have it in a pit," Nikolai continues as he takes another shot, seemingly oblivious to our omega's murderous fixation on him. "Quite the prize, wouldn't you say?"
"That 'asset' is a person, not a weapon," Ivy says in a flat tone, clearly having to fight to not rip him a new asshole.
Nikolai finally glances at her, as if he's just noticed her presence. I'm not sure if he's been more or less ignoring her up until now, her threats aside, out of respect for us—doubtful—or if he just doesn't want to risk an all-out gunfight in close quarters.
Either way, it's probably a good sign.
"Everyone who survives out here learns to be both, omega," he says, flashing her a dangerous grin that has me putting myself between us before I realize it.
He just looks at me, a hint of curiosity in his gaze as he appraises the situation. Calculates just how much he's willing to risk for the sake of poking the bear.
"I meant no offense comparing my new acquisition with this… esteemed gentleman," he continues, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he gestures at Wraith. "I was simply wondering if there were any tricks to taming a savage beast. But I have my answer." His upper lip curls, flashing a fang. "Perhaps I'll have to find an omega to throw to it as a sacrifice."
Ivy is trembling with barely suppressed rage, and Wraith gives a low, rumbling growl, placing his huge hand on the small of her back. I notice how it seems to soothe her, and I wish it were me instead of him.