Page 268 of Psycho Pack
He's worried.
They all are. And they should be.
We're about to attempt something unprecedented. A full-scale invasion of the Capital. The Council's stronghold. The seat of their power and corruption.
The door opens and a tall Surhiiran man enters, his white uniform adorned with medals that catch the light. General Larihm. I've only met him a few times, but he seems kind beneath his overly serious exterior. He bows deeply to Plague.
"Prince Hamsa," he says formally. "The troops have assembled. All is ready."
My breath catches in my throat.
This is really happening.
"And the other matter?" Plague asks, his voice carefully controlled.
"The omega prisoner is being transferred to Mr. Vlakov's facility as we speak," Larihm replies with another slight bow. "She should arrive by nightfall."
After Plague's confrontation with Azarel, he decided it was best for Cosima to be held on more neutral grounds. I'm not sure Nikolai Vlakov was the best choice, but he's the only one with as much incentive to pull off this plan as the rest of us. Even if his current allegiances are questionable, Azarel is still Surhiiran—and technically, he has as much right to waltz in here and demand access to her as Plague does.
When we're gone, he'll have the opportunity.
I know a part of Plague still doesn't want to believe that his own brother would screw us over when we're vulnerable, but he's not taking any chances, either.
Besides, if my theory about Cosima and the Knight being connected is right… maybe them both being in Nikolai's captivity for now isn't the worst thing. It's not exactly what I had in mind when I promised to help him, but right now, there's nothing else I can do.
"And the messenger?" Plague asks.
General Larihm nods. "He will be dispatched as soon as we receive word that our forces have breached the perimeter, as you instructed."
I tense at his words, remembering Plague's promise to his brother. That even if he dies in this assault, someone will deliver Cosima's location to Azarel.
The thought makes my stomach churn.
Everyone could die today.
The reality of what we're about to do sinks in like a lead weight. We're not just fighting for ourselves anymore. We're fighting for every omega trapped under the Council's control. For every family torn apart by their tyranny.
For freedom.
But the cost could be devastating.
I look around at the rest of my pack, drinking in the sight of them.
Thane checking his weapons, his dark eyes stormy.
Wraith hovering by the window closest to me, watching for threats even here in our secure base.
Whiskey sitting unnaturally still, his usual restless energy contained like a bomb waiting to go off.
Valek lurking in silence in the shadows, prowling and pacing.
I have so much to lose.
We all do.
But deep down, I know that in order to step into the future we could have together, we have to lay the ghosts of our past to rest.
"The mercenaries are in position as well," Larihm continues. "Though I must express my reservations about trusting?—"