Page 43 of Psycho Pack
The thought sends ice through my veins.
The facility continues to implode behind us, great chunks of concrete and steel raining down. The pursuing vehicles have to swerve to avoid the debris. Two crash into each other trying to dodge a falling section of wall.
"We've got a problem!" Whiskey shouts from the driver's seat. "These fucks barely put any damn gas in the tank!"
"The border's still twenty miles out," Plague calls back. He's working tirelessly on the Knight's wounds, face set in grim concentration. "We're leaving too obvious a trail. They'll have reinforcements waiting."
"Then we make our own border crossing," Thane says. He gestures toward a narrow logging road branching off into dense forest. "That way. It's rougher terrain, but they won't expect it."
Whiskey cranks the wheel hard. The transport's tires skid on the ice before finding purchase. We bounce and jolt down the unpaved track, branches scraping against the sides. The Knight growls as each impact jars him, but at least it's keeping him awake.
The pursuing engines fade behind us as the forest swallows us whole. We've escaped immediate danger, but I know this isn't over.
Not by a long shot.
The transport lurches and bucks as Whiskey drives us up onto the railroad tracks, the whole vehicle shuddering and threatening to shake apart. I cling to Wraith's massive arm, trying to keep my balance as we hurtle through the night. The Knight's hollow breathing fills the cargo area, his mask's blue glow flickering weaker.
"Hold on!" Whiskey bellows from the driver's seat. The transport hits a rough section of track and nearly goes airborne. My stomach drops as we crash back down, the impact jarring every bone in my body.
"We need to get off these tracks," Plague snaps, not looking up from where he's working on the Knight's wounds. His hands move with surgical precision despite the constant jolting. "The vibrations are making him bleed out."
Another explosion lights up the night behind us, the shock wave hitting us seconds later. The transport rocks dangerously, metal screaming as Whiskey fights to keep us on the tracks.
"Working on it!" he shouts back. "But we've got company!"
I twist around to look through the rear window. Two military vehicles are still on our tail, their headlights cutting through the swirling snow. As I watch, one of them opens fire. Bullets ping off the transport's armored hull like deadly hail.
"Incoming!" I warn, ducking as a round punches through the back window. Glass sprays across the cargo area.
Valek's laughter rings out as he lines up another shot. His rifle cracks and one of the pursuing vehicles swerves violently, its front tire blown out. It careens into a snowbank and vanishes into the darkness.
"Beautiful," he slurs, swaying as he reloads.
The transport hits another bump and Plague curses as his needle slips. The Knight's mechanical arm sparks and twitches, throwing off showers of blue-white light. "I said hold steady!"
"You wanna drive, asshole?" Whiskey snarls. "Be my guest!"
"They're bombing their own fucking railroad," Thane growls, bracing himself against the wall. "Must really want us dead if they can't catch us."
The last pursuing vehicle is gaining on us. The driver's face is clear now, lit by the dashboard lights. His expression is a mask of hate as he raises what looks like a rocket launcher.
"Get down!" I scream.
The missile streaks past us, so close I feel its heat. It strikes the tracks ahead with a thunderous explosion. Metal twists and buckles, rails torn apart by the blast.
"Fuck!" Whiskey yanks the wheel hard. The transport slides sideways, sparks flying as we grind against the ruined tracks. My head cracks against the wall and stars explode behind my eyes.
Then we're airborne.
Time slows to a crawl. I float weightless for a heartbeat, snow and stars wheeling overhead through the shattered windows.Wraith's and Thane's arms wrap around me simultaneously, shielding me.
We hit the ground with bone-crushing force.
The world dissolves into chaos. Metal screams. Glass shatters. Bodies tumble. Something hot and wet sprays across my face. Blood, but I don't know whose.
When the transport finally stops moving, I find myself sprawled across Thane and Wraith. They took the brunt of the impact, shielding me with their massive frames. Their arms are still locked around me, holding me safe against them.
"Everyone alive?" Thane's voice cuts through the ringing in my ears.