Page 48 of Chasing Liberty
“I was going to tell you.” She reminded herself that she wasn’t a little girl any longer. She was an adult who had control over her life.
“When the chickens laid golden eggs?” One bushy brow lifted.
“When I felt like it,” she snapped back.
Wyler stepped forward as a buffer. “How about we all take a breather? Sam, sorry you had to find out about the baby through Polly. I’m sure you were both surprised and full of joy, right?”
The old man’s stiff stance relaxed some. “Yeah. A man is always happy to find out he’s going to get a grandchild, ain’t he?” His booming voice rattled the windows.
“Then be happy and not focus on how you found out,” Liberty said matter-of-factly. “If it helps, I haven’t told my sisters, except for Honor.”
Sam’s broad shoulders relaxed some.“Wyler, can I speak to my daughter alone?”
“Anything you have to say to me you can say in front of my husband,” she said.
Wyler hooked his fingers in his front pockets and got comfortable.
Sam sighed, acquiescing to her request but not happily. “Probably best you both hear what I have to say anyway.” He shifted in his boots. “Separated parents don’t bring babies into this world. Sure, I’m old school, but back in my day we worked hard to make a marriage work. Once you slipped the ring on that was a promise for better or worse.”
Liberty crossed her arms. “You do realize that’s a bit contradictory since you’re demanding that us girls get married.”
He scratched his temple with his thumbnail. “Might be, but at some point, a man needs to know that every T is crossed. You’ll understand one day, once this little one is born and you’ll be weighted with more responsibility, and love, than you ever knew possible.”
Sam had never been one to speak about his feelings, so this was a bit out of character for him.
“Although I can understand that we’ve given you grief throughout the years, we’re also adults who can take care of ourselves. Make our own choices.”
He nodded curtly. “My stance won’t change. No going back on my decision. Next time there’s big news, keep me in the loop. Congratulations. Get your shit in order.” He slammed his hat down on his head. “Wyler?”
“Yes, sir?”
“Take care of her and that kid.”
“I have every plan to.”
And with that, Sam made his exit.
Wyler and Liberty looked at each other.
“Good thing he didn’t come five minutes sooner, huh?” she said with a grin.
“Let’s not go there.” Wyler swiped a hand down his cheek. “You do realize, if you and I divorce after the baby’s born Sam’s going to kill me.”
“He might want to, but I won’t let him. I’ve got your back.”
Chapter Twelve
“Take the money and leave me and my family alone," Liberty said, pressing the bag of cash against Lacey's torso.
Lacey allowed herself a slight smile reminiscent of one who has succeeded in their pursuit. She looked inside and took out a stack of bills. “It's necessary for me to verify that it’s real. You comprehend the need for such caution, I presume.”
“Absolutely. A person in your position must find it challenging to place trust in others.”
“It seems we share that trait.”
Lacey's smile pierced Liberty as she examined the bills.
Satisfied, Lacey dropped the cash back into the bag. “Pleasure doing business with you, honey.”