Page 37 of Honoring Freedom
She gently wiped Requiem down and soothed him with a soft tone. “It’ll be okay, buddy. You’re going to get through this.” When she dipped the sponge to rewet it, she wrung it out then said to Keller, “Someone is sabotaging Sagebrush Rose. If we lose Requiem too, I won’t have any sires and will have lost the investment. But even worse, if word gets out that our horses have been poisoned, we’ll have an empty boarding stables by the end of the week.”
“We should probably tell Sam.”
“Daddy is out of town. He dropped the marriage bombshell then left. Something about Trinity needing his help. How long will it take to get the test results back for the horses?”
“Should be within three days.”
“Then we’ll wait until we have something more concrete to tell him.” She paused in moving the sponge down Requiem’s chest. “I sense your doubt.”
“I’m staying in my lane.” He opened his medical bag and took out his stethoscope, listening to Requiem’s heart and lungs. “The heart rate is up a bit, but his lungs are clear.”
“You’re going to be okay.” Freedom nuzzled the horse’s nose. “You’re tough.”
“Why don’t you go grab some dinner,” Keller told her. “I’ll stay and watch over him.”
“I’m not leaving him. You go on ahead,” she said stubbornly.
He stepped out of the stall, latched the door, and walked over to the workbench, took two blankets off a stack and tossed them onto the bales of hay. “Might as well get comfortable then because it’s going to be a long night.”
She spread out one of the blankets and sat down, bringing her knees to her chest. “He’ll pull through this. I know he will.”
“He’s looking better.” Keller sat down and stretched his legs. “Once the cameras are set up everywhere on the ranch we can keep a closer eye on things.”
“This all seems too coincidental with the incident at the cabin.” She yawned. The stress of the day was weighing heavily on her.
“Sneaking inside of the cabin is breaking and entering, and stealing your panties is a serious crime. I’d love to get my hands on the bastard.”
She laid her hand on his. “Keller, you don’t have to protect me.”
“I don’t have to, but I want to.” He took her hand and entwined their fingers. “I’m here for you.”
She cuddled up closer to him and laid her head on his shoulder. “I’m glad you’re here. I’m still upset, but I am grateful that you’re here.”
“Where else would I be?” He threaded his fingers in her hair.
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe grabbing a drink at Mav’s. Watching the game there with the crew. I remember you loved football.”
“Still do, but I’ll survive. I’d rather be here with you.” He kissed the top of her head. “Wild horses couldn’t drag me away.”
She watched Requiem until sleep took over.
Chapter Fourteen
“Freedom, wake up.”
Slowly she came awake, blinking against the bright sunlight flowing in through the open barn doors. Keller stood above her holding a thermos and wearing a smile.
She’d fallen asleep in a bed of straw in the barn and her body ached.
Standing, the blanket she’d been covered up with fell to the ground. She felt immediate relief seeing Requiem munching on his feed. “How is he?”
“Heart rate’s better. Lungs still sound good.”
She felt a twinge of pain in her neck. She massaged the tight muscles with her fingers. “What time is it?”
She stretched her arms, yawning. “Please tell me that you have enough coffee to share.”