Page 39 of Honoring Freedom
“I understand why Daddy’s impossible demands upset her—they upset all of us—but she can’t skip his birthday,” Justice said worriedly. “Right? She wouldn’t do that, would she?”
Honor’s pen paused. The tension seemed heavier, thick with unspoken concerns in Liberty’s absence.
“That’s not like her to not reach out to you,” Freedom said to Honor.
“She hasn’t replied to any of my texts, calls or emails.” Honor nibbled pensively on a strawberry.
Hope sighed, running a hand through her silver-blonde hair. "Maybe she's just taking some time to herself. You know how Liberty gets when things get too extreme."
Freedom glanced between her siblings, her heart aching. "It's not like her to be this silent. Especially with Daddy’s birthday party that she demanded be over the top."
“The show must go on.” Honor set her pen down. “We have a lot of work to do today.”
Dolly swept in with a heaping platter of pancakes and homemade syrup. Freedom loved Dolly’s pancakes. The second she set the plate in the center of the table, she forked two and covered them with syrup.
“You ladies be aware that your father is coming home in a few hours,” Dolly said.
“Thanks, Dolly,” Freedom said, blowing the elderly woman an air kiss. She’d been like a second mom to the girls.
“Don’t stress too much over this party. Your daddy is a simple man,” Dolly said over her shoulder as she headed back inside.
“I have a question.” Hope ran her finger over the rim of her glass as she directed her gaze on Freedom. “How did the trip to Catskills go? You’ve been MIA lately.”
Freedom filled her glass with orange juice. “Great. We returned with two thoroughbreds and ten head of cattle,” she said, nibbling on her pancakes.
“That’s not what I’m referring to,” Hope smiled. “You, a hunky veterinarian, and a cabin all to yourselves. You can’t tell me you two didn’t rekindle the old flames.” Her eyes sparkled with mischief.
If she wasn’t careful with her response, her sisters would see right through her. “Keller and I are just friends. Shouldn't we be concentrating on the party?”
“I’d rather talk sex,” Justice laughed.
“Same,” Hope chimed in.
“Nothing happened between Keller and me,” Freedom insisted. “He’s no longer my type.”
"Sure, who wants a hot stud doctor as a lover anyway?" Hope teased, giving Freedom a side-eye.
Freedom sighed. “You should focus on your own love life. Pretty soon we’re all going to have to find a husband.”
“Oh? So, are you considering Keller as your husband?” Justice twirled a strand of her hair around her finger.
“Is there something wrong with you two this morning?” She looked from Justice to Hope accusingly.
“I was just curious," Justice said, raising her hands in defeat. “But you and Keller do make a cute couple.”
“Can we please not invent relationships where there aren't any?” Freedom groaned.
“Invent?” Hope laughed. "Honey, we're just reading the signs. You've got that glow."
Freedom rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress a grin. “You watch too many movies.”
“And you don't watch enough,” Justice countered. “Come on, spill the beans. Did he at least try to pursue you with his cowboy charm? He’s always been fine if you ask me.”
"Honor, do you hear our sisters?” Freedom looked for help.
“She agrees,” Hope said slyly. “How about stolen kisses?”
"Sorry to be a disappointment," Freedom replied, "but no. Now, seriously, let’s get back to the party planning."