Page 58 of Honoring Freedom
Freedom squinted. “My gift? I’m not following.”
“You hate her. I don’t blame you. She’s easy.” He chuckled.
“Rigs, I don’t know why you’re doing this. I don’t hate her. Keller will be here any second. You should do yourself a favor and walk away so this doesn’t get messier than it already is.” Unfortunately, they were away from the reach of the cameras but she hoped her movements were caught by the drone before she got to the lake.
All humor left his face. “Aren’t you going to at least say thank you? I did this to show you how much you mean to me. This is a sign of my love and admiration. Lanah despises you. She wants Keller to herself. And that spineless bastard Downs. I took care of him for you too. That brought me so much pleasure.”
Freedom attempted to focus. “That’s not true. Lanah and I have made up. We’re friends,” Freedom stretched the truth a little, but she had to get Lanah to safety.
An expression of confusion poured over his features. “Why would you do that?”
“Because Keller and I are married. She’s not a threat.”
His brows furrowed. “Married?”
Freedom nodded. “So let me untie Lanah and let her head on home. This is unnecessary.”
He lowered the gun slightly, appearing shaken. “That can’t be possible.”
“I’m going to untie her now.” Freedom bent while keeping her gaze settled on Rigs. She loosened the rope on the woman’s wrists then whispered, “Untie your ankles.”
Lanah frantically untied the ropes. She finally got free while Rigs seemed lost in an internal battle that raged inside him. When Lanah was free, she stood up and said, “Let’s get out of here.”
Freedom began to move, but Rigs’ stern voice halted her. “No, not you, Freedom.”
“Rigs, think about what you’re doing. Let us both go and you’re free to go too,” Freedom stayed calm although her heart slammed against her ribcage.
“Be quiet!” he hissed. “You’re like all the rest.” The gun was aimed directly at Freedom.
"You go ahead," Freedom softly told Lanah.
“No. Come with me.”
Freedom didn’t take her eyes off Rigs. “Go get help.”
Lanah nodded and dashed into the woods.
“Why are you doing this?” Freedom needed to keep him talking. Keller would be there soon.
“I love you. You mean everything to me,” he said in a calm, steady voice.
“Rigs, I didn’t know you cared that way.”
“That’s because you look straight through me as if I’m not even there.”
“I don’t. We’ve had conversations.”
He snorted. “Once.” His grip tightened on the gun. “Now we’ll make up for all those chances. You’re coming with me. You will have to get your marriage annulled.”
“Rigs, don’t do this. We won’t get far. You know my family will find us. Keller will find us. There must be an explanation for why you’re doing this. Can you tell me why?”Keep him talking.
“I do love you. I want to protect you from—”
Rigs dropped to his knees, all the life leaving his eyes as he fell face first onto the ground.
Freedom stared in disbelief.