Page 21 of Loving Justice
He swiped his jeans off the ground and dragged them on. Then he finally asked Ilene, “What are you doing here?”
Her sapphire gaze traveled past his shoulder, and Jinx knew, without a doubt, that Justice had emerged from the water, too. Respectfully, he picked up her shirt and handed it to her.
“Who’s she?” Ilene had no filter.
“A friend. Now answer my question,” he demanded. “Why are you here, and how did you know where I was?”
After she gave Justice a lengthy, curious examination, Ilene planted her heated gaze back onto Jinx. “I’m tracking you with the same app you’re tracking me with. I figured if you could keep tabs on where I am, it would only be fair if I did the same. Why am I grounded?” Her cheeks were rosy, and her lips pursed. She certainly did have the provoked expression down.
“Wouldn’t it have been much easier to call and ask?” he groaned.
"Maybe you should've picked up your phone," she smirked. "You always tell me that if I can't answer my phone when you call, I don't need one."
He pulled his phone out of his pocket and saw that she’d called twice, once hours ago and another time when Justice distracted him. Ness had also called him a handful of times. He’d have to update the tracking app. “You’re not going to have access to my location. You’re fifteen. I’m thirty. Big difference.” He scowled.
“You say that as if I was born yesterday.”
Justice was dressed and standing next to him now. “Hi. I’m Justice Rose,” she said to Ness and Ilene who wore a pouty face.
“Hello! It’s so nice to meet you. I’m Ness. The aunt.” She slunk forward, shaking Justice’s hand. “Sorry for the intrusion. Impatience runs in the family if you haven’t noticed. And stubbornness.” Ness directed her gaze at Ilene.
“So, you two are…?” Justice pointed from Jinx to Ilene.
“Brother and sister,” Jinx said, wondering if he saw relief in Justice’s expression.
“Yeah, this is my brother. A.K.A my non-biological father,” Ilene said with a roll of her eyes.
“Ahh…okay.” Justice gave Jinx a tapered glare before she said to Ness and Ilene, “And no apology is needed. It sounds like there’s an important issue that needs clearing up.”
“An issue? More like a gargantuan error! Aunt Ness told me I’m grounded for two weeks, so I can’t go to the dance. Billy has already asked me to be his date, and I accepted.”
Jinx pulled on his shirt. “That pretty much sums it up.”
“What did I do?” she whined.
“You got two Cs on your report card. You know the rules.” He stuffed his feet into his socks and boots. He felt a bit cornered being one male against three females staring at him like they waited for him to say one wrong word to toss him in the water with cement in his boots to weigh him down.
“What is the big deal? You didn’t make straight As either.” Ilene practically hissed.
He couldn’t argue that point. “I worked to the best of my ability. You are much smarter than I was, and your grades are lower because you’re not doing your homework. I spoke to Mrs. Alley, and she informed me you’ve missed turning in two assignments in both classes and were given a zero.”
She dropped her arms at her sides. “That’s crazy! Mrs. Alley is the principal and doesn’t know what she’s talking about. I refused to do a paper on the topic the teacher gave us. I don’t wish to write a paper on a selection of scientists who are all dudes.”
“What about the other class? Daily Living.”
“I hate that boring class. I’m supposed to learn how to sew a pillow and bake moist brownies,” she huffed.
“Then why did you sign up for the class?” Why did they have to have this conversation in front of Justice? The last thing he needed her to think was that he failed to raise his sister.
“Ididn’tsign up for the class. I wanted to take advanced literature, and Mrs. Alley refused to let me sign up. She said I couldn't handle the workload.”
“It would seem that you two might need to chat alone,” Justice said.
“I think I’ll join you,” Ness said.
“Are you hungry?” Justice asked her, taking her by the arm. They started heading toward the treeline, a.k.a. the escape route.
“I could use a bite.”