Page 27 of Loving Justice
He was quiet.
Wanting to get closer because his curiosity was killing him, Pok took a step toward the fence. Anticipation grew in him, taking logic hostage. He didn’t care. He needed to see what he’d done.
The roaring voice sent Pok back into his hiding place right before Keller came running to Jinx’s aid.
Would it be too late?
Angrily, Pok quietly took several backward steps. Before anyone saw him, he retraced the steps through the darkness.
Chapter Eight
“How did this happen?” Justice couldn’t believe all the blood. There were spots everywhere in the house, some large and some small, especially in the bedroom where Keller had successfully stitched the wound on Jinx’s leg closed in order to save his life.
“I guess that’s what we’ll find out.” Freedom blew tendrils of hair out of her face that had come undone from the high messy bun.
Justice dipped the red-stained rag into the bucket of hot, soapy water. “Time for fresh water.” She stood up from the kitchen floor, took the bucket over to the sink, and emptied it. She watched the crimson water swirl around the stainless steel and go down the drain.
Turning the faucet handle, she refilled the bucket with hot water and squirts of soap. The thick yellow gloves she wore made her hands slick with sweat.
Kneeling back onto the floor, she continued scrubbing the dried blood.
“Did you tell Daddy?” Justice asked.
“Yes. He said he can’t come home right now.” Freedom dropped her sponge into the bucket. “He wanted me to tell you to look after Jinx.”
“Why? I’m not a nurse,” Justice shrieked.
“Look, I don’t have any clue why Daddy selected you to take care of Jinx but that’s what I was asked to relay to you. Daddy said he’ll be home in a few days.”
Justice nibbled the corner of her lips, soaking in the odd request. “I have no clue how to take care of him.”
“The first order of business is to give him a sponge bath,” Doc Lafferty said as he walked into the kitchen. A smear of blood looked stark against his white shirt. “The man has been through the wringer, and he shouldn’t be made to lay there covered in blood.”
Freedom and Justice made eye contact a mere second before she stood. “H-how is he now?”
“He’s a fighter. He’s lost a lot of blood, but Keller saved his life. Now that he’s out of the woods I’d like to go home, take a shower and crawl into bed. Think you ladies can take over his care from here?”
Justice wanted to scream, “No!” but instead, she nodded. “What do we do?”
“I left clean bandages. Change them in six hours. Make sure he takes the antibiotic and pain meds. Remember, pain is much easier to control when you get control of it before it starts. Reapply the cream when you change the bandage. I’ll be back tomorrow morning.” He looked weary as he went to grab his jacket from the hook. “I’ll be back tomorrow morning. Call me if you see any symptoms of infection.”
After the doc left, Justice stood there staring at the closed door for the longest time. She heard Freedom snicker. She swiveled on her socked feet. “Do you think this is funny?”
“Yes, a tad I do. You better go grab what you’ll need to give Jinx a bath.” Freedom wagged her brows.
Justice’s body warmed. Although she might have fantasized a few times about Jinx and his body, knowing she’d be touching his bare skin made her inner thighs tremble. She forced herself to keep her thoughts from showing. “That seems a bit…invasive.”
“Relax, sis. I don’t think Doc Lafferty was asking you to give him the full spa treatment.” She bit her bottom lip to keep from laughing again. “Unless you have a hankering to—”
“Stop. Right. There!” Justice gave her head a gentle shake. “Will you go in there with me?” Justice pleaded.
“Sorry, Justice. I was Keller’s emergency nurse. I need a break and some sleep myself.” Freedom pushed up from the floor, dropped her gloves into the water, and gave Justice a supportive smile. “It could be worse. I could think of a lot worse places and cowboys you could put your hands on. See you in the morning.”
Alone with her ramped thoughts, Justice tried giving herself an internal pep talk.You can do this. It’s only a sponge bath. Nothing sexual about it.
Yet, when she walked into the bedroom, holding a pan full of water against her chest and a basket of toiletries, she’d lost all nerve. He had his eyes closed and she was grateful for the moment to gather her thoughts. He looked massive in the bed. He was shirtless, his jeans were gone, and the corner of the sheet was tossed over his lap. Blood and dirt stained his skin. The bandage was stark white against his golden body.