Page 36 of Wilde Abandon
He kissed her on the head and wrapped his arms around her.“You fucking blow my mind.”
“Sex has almost always been fun.A release.A moment to feel connected.But with you…”
“It’s a whole other level.It’s not good.It’s not great.It’s amazing.Everything I hoped it could be with the right person.”
He was still inside her.She could feel his heart beating against hers.His breathing matched hers.They were in perfect sync.At least, that’s how it felt.
And she’d never felt like this.Like even the thought of losing this, him, would break her heart.
“Melody, look at me.”
She lifted her head and stared at him in the quiet darkness.
“You were my everything when we were kids.”He cupped her face and kissed her softly.“You still are, my sweet Dee.”
He hadn’t called her Dee since they were kids.It brought back so many good memories.Especially when they were in preschool and he could barely say Melody.It always sounded like “Eldy.”After a while, he had just gone with Dee.
She loved having a nickname.
She loved that he gave it to her and was the only one who used it.
“You remember,” he said.
“I never forgot anything about you.”
He kissed her softly, then pulled her back down on him and into his arms.She listened to his breathing even out along with hers as they fell asleep and into sweet dreams for both of them, she hoped, because he was back and they were just getting started on making new happy memories.
Chapter ten
Foxturnedoffthelight in the bathroom before he opened the door and stepped out.He didn’t want to wake Melody.He’d woken her an hour ago for a third round of the most amazing sex he’d ever had in his life.Now, she lay in his bed on her stomach, her head turned toward him, one arm stretched out to where he’d been beside her until he dragged his ass out of bed for work.Since she was on her stomach, the swell of her breast rounded at her ribcage.The honey-sweet taste of her seemed to bloom on his tongue even now.The sheet barely covered her heart-shaped ass and gorgeous legs.He could still feel how they wrapped around him.
“Is that her?”Awe filled Max’s voice.
Fox’s head snapped to the doorway and Max, standing there staring into the dark room at his…Melody.
“Get the fuck out!”He whisper-barked the order, then turned back to make sure they hadn’t woken a naked Melody.
Max’s shit-eating grin infuriated Fox.“Who could take their eyes off that sexy scene?”
Wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his hips, he shoved Max out of the room and closed the door behind him.“Hands and eyes off.”
Max just laughed it away.
Fox raked his fingers through his damp hair.“What are you doing here?”
“I came to get you up to speed on the call we have this morning with CrossTec.I didn’t know she was here.”Max kept his voice down, but his eyes went to the closed door.The fucker was probably imagining Melody lying naked between the sheets in his bed.
“When did you even get here?”Fox thought Max was still back at the company headquarters in Boston.
“Late last night.I was tired, so I crashed and thought we’d meet up this morning.Is Dean up?”
As if Dean had heard his name, he came walking in the front door.
Fox regretted giving them both a key.Of course he had their keys, too.And they’d always had an open-door policy for each other.
What if she’d walked out here naked to get a glass of water or something and they walked in?