Page 39 of Wilde Abandon
“I said let go.”
He gave her what they both wanted, but he built the tempo, getting into it as she moved with him, making sure she was feeling every inch of him with pleasure.It washed over him with each pounding thrust.His lower back tingled and his balls drew up; his release was imminent but… “I want you with me.Touch yourself.”He needed to keep his grip on her.
She lowered her chest and head to the bed.
He loved the view and the new angle.
Her hand and arm disappeared beneath her and he felt the brush of her fingertip touching herself and him as he drove into her.
She moaned.
That sweet sound made him want to come right then, but he held out, sensing she was close as her inner muscles tightened around his cock.And then her panting turned into a series of moans as her release hit, triggering his.He pulled her hips tight to his and held her there as his release surged through him.He’d never felt anything this intense.
She lifted up.He released her hips, and she fell forward onto the mattress with a bounce just before she rolled over and stared up at him.He fell beside her and kissed the side of her breast because it was right there.
She gasped, then let out a pleasure-filled hum.“That was…”
She rolled toward him so they were lying face-to-face.“That was a really great way to start the day.”
He glanced at the clock on the nightstand and winced.“I’m sorry we woke you up so early.You can stay as long as you like and get some more sleep.”
“I should probably go home, since you’re going to work.”
“You can stay.I like you here.”
“Is that what you say to all the women you bring home?”she teased.
But there was a serious question in there.And he had no trouble answering it.“I don’t bring women home.”
She raised a brow.
“I mean, don’t get me wrong.I’ve dated.Like I told you before, I’m not great at talking to people.It takes me a while to get comfortable.”
“So you went to their place because you weren’t comfortable with them in your space?”
“You fit here.You fit me.You’re sweet and kind and independent and feisty and you have such a huge heart.No one ever compared to you.No one is in your league.I didn’t want them inmybed.I didn’t let them into my heart.Because I was always coming back to you.”
She placed her hand on his cheek and kissed him softly.“What took you so long?”
“I was afraid that what we had back then wouldn’t be what we had now.I didn’t want those memories tainted if the reality of us now didn’t live up to my memories of you.”
“You thought that maybe I changed so much that I wouldn’t love you like I loved you then.”
He knew she was talking about the kind of love you had for a dear friend.He wanted more.But he’d take that for now.“Yes.After I said that I hated you, I thought you’d hate me back and forget all about me.”
“That is just not possible.I will never forget you, no matter what happens next between us.”
He kissed her, then looked into her beautiful blue eyes.“I hoped we’d have this and so much more, but I never let myself really believe it would come true.”
“I’m here, Fox.I’m not going anywhere.You make me happy.In case the many orgasms didn’t convince you.”She grinned.“But we have more than just great sex.All those weeks we chatted online…I haven’t felt that close to someone since…well, you.”
His phone buzzed with an incoming call on the nightstand.“Crap.I’m late.”He reached for the phone the second he jumped out of bed, then frowned at the caller ID.“Tanya.Is everything okay?”