Page 93 of Wilde Abandon
She went up on tiptoe, her arms around his neck again, and smiled.“I love you.”
He kissed her like he’d wanted to the second he’d walked into her little workshop.Not nice and sweet but demanding and possessive and scorching hot.His tongue swept along hers.She tasted like desire and the chocolate kisses he’d seen in a jar on the workbench.Sweet temptation.He wanted more and slid his hands down over her ass to pull her up and against his rock-hard cock.
This felt the same, even if he was still unsure they’d resolved everything between them and she’d let everything he’d said go.He hoped in time, this wouldn’t even be a memory.They’d both forget it and move on.
He looked forward to their trip to Boston now because she knew everything.He had nothing to hide anymore.
Well, there were still some things they needed to talk about.Like security.Someone could use her against him.
Even the thought of it made him hold on to her tighter and kiss her deeper so she knew he cared and that she mattered more than anything.
Someone cleared their throat.
He didn’t want to stop kissing the beautiful woman in his arms.
She broke the kiss and turned to their intruder.“What?”Her annoyance matched his.
“Dinner’s ready,” Jax said from the doorway, a grin on his face.“Or I could tell Dad you’re too busy making out with your boyfriend to bring him up to the house.”
Melody growled under her breath, then turned to him.“Hungry?”
“Desperately,” he said, knowing she, as well as Jax, would get his meaning.
Jax’s laugh faded as he walked away.
He and Melody took a moment to cool off and get their desire for each other under control.
Melody looked up at him.“So, I can’t tell them what you told me?”
He shook his head.“I’d prefer it if you let them think my wealth comes from the business I own.”
“I don’t like keeping secrets from them, but okay.”
He wanted to ease her mind.“It’s a security issue.”
She went still.“That’s why Dean is here.Is there some kind of threat against you?Someone wants money?”
“I’ve tried to keep the secret using a trust to conceal my identity.When I won, I was warned that no matter how hard I tried, people would find out I was the big winner.Blackmail, kidnapping, threats, people just begging for handouts, it all comes with the territory for some lottery winners.I read up on some of their tragic and terrible stories.I don’t want that to happen to me or anyone I care about.Especially you.”
“Are you afraid someone will do something to me, to get money from you?”
“It could happen.”
She shook her head.“That’s ridiculous.”
“Is it?Because I’d pay anything to get you back if someone took you.”
Her eyes went wide with shock.“Okay, now you’re freaking me out.”
He brushed his hands up and down her arms.“There’s no threat.Very few outside my tight circle know about the money.I just don’t feel right not telling you the potential is there.”
“So who knows besides Dean, Max, and me?”
“My attorney, tax accountant, and…”
Her eyes went wide.“Tanya.”
He nodded.“A social worker at the hospital thought she needed family support.”