Page 99 of Wilde Abandon
Fox drank to that, because it’s everything he wanted.Now all he had to do was show her that life in Boston with him would be a good one.One filled with love and happy memories if Melody could find her place there and the thing that made her happy.
Chapter twenty-three
MelodysqueezedFox’shandas they sat in yet another chauffeured car driving down the busy streets of Boston.Dean sat up front.She gaped at all the sights out the window.Tall buildings, busy streets, tons of people walking on the sidewalks.They passed a pretty park.It was the only open space she’d seen in blocks.Still, the city fascinated her.
So many people.
She’d never traveled outside Wyoming, so this was all new and overwhelming to her.There was so much packed together in the city.Buildings, people, noise.Traffic like she’d never seen.
Where was everyone going?
They stopped outside one of the many tall buildings.A doorman came forward and opened the door.“Welcome home, Mr.Bridges, Mr.Reynolds.”
She had no idea that was Dean’s last name.
“It’s good to be home.”Fox turned on the sidewalk and held his hand out to her.“Come on, sweet Dee.”
She slid across the seat, took his hand, and stepped out into the noisy city.
Fox tugged her close to his side and put his arm around her.“Mike, this is Melody Wilde.She’ll be staying with me.Anything she wants or needs, make it happen.”
Melody held her hand out.“Nice to meet you, Mike.”
“Miss Wilde.”
“Melody will do just fine.”
“As you wish.May I take your bag?”
“I’ve got it.”Fox took it by the strap and hoisted it onto his shoulder.
Mike opened the door for them.
Dean led the way, passing one bank of elevators on both sides of the hallway and heading to the one at the end.
“Why this one, and not one of those?”
Dean pulled out a key card and held it to the scanner.“And here’s where things get weird.”
“Why?”She glanced up at Fox.
“Because this elevator goes only to the penthouse floor.”
She stepped into the elevator with him.“I see.”
“You will,” Dean said, leaning back against the mirrored wall.
Fox turned to her.“There are four penthouses on the top floor.Dean, Max, and I have three of them.”
“And the fourth?”
“We haven’t met him yet.He’s an older gentleman.Been living here a long time.”
The elevator dinged and the doors slid open, revealing a rich gray carpet and wood-paneled walls with a console table holding two large bouquets of freshly cut flowers.Their sweet scent filled the wide hallway.Their colors matched the beautiful painting of a garden pond, lily pads and water lilies floating on the surface, bright koi fish swimming beneath the surface.
Dean headed to the left.
Fox followed, bringing her along with him since they held hands.