Page 14 of Wilde In His Arms
Heather arrived with their drinks, then left to check on their order.
Mark held up his glass.“To finally saying yes and taking the time.”
“I’ll drink to that.”Because that’s what this was: her first step toward getting what she wanted.Not that Mark wasthe guy.But he could be.“I wish I could say I have a hobby, but I mostly like to spend my downtime watching TV and relaxing.I’m on my feet all the time, so sitting down and binge-watching a series or documentary gives me a chance to recharge.When I’m not at the bar, I spend a couple of days at my family ranch helping out.I love it out there, riding the horses and being outside, doing chores and feeling like I got something done.It’s a good workout too.”
Mark leaned back in his chair, completely relaxed and focused on her.“I run with a couple of buddies three days a week.And once a month I attend our family dinner, where my sister’s six- and nine-year-old boys run me ragged, playing tag outside.”
“Sounds fun.”She smiled, enjoying herself and his company.She broached the next question cautiously.“So you like kids.”
“I like handing those two rug rats back to my sister all wound up.”His mischievous smile said he taunted his sibling the way all of hers did to each other, too.
Still, not exactly the answer she was hoping for.
Mark seemed to sense her unease.“Don’t get me wrong, I love my nephews.They’re great kids.I’m getting to the point where settling down makes sense.With the right woman.But I’d want to spend some time together, to be sure the foundation of the relationship is rock solid before adding kids to the mix.”
Aria sighed in relief.“That makes sense.”
He eyed her.“You just got out of something, I take it from the way you turned me down for months and have now changed your mind.”
“I was involved with someone, yes.He lives in Montana and has a very demanding job.”
Mark sipped his drink.“Long distance never works.They’re living their life, you yours, and how can either of you know what’s going on with the other when you’re so far apart?”
“It was very difficult.”
“Do you miss him?”Mark dropped that bomb just as Heather arrived with dinner.
Aria waited for her to leave them again and hoped Mark let it go, because the answer was simple.Yes.She missed Nick like she’d miss a limb.She wished he was sitting across from her.
Actually, if he were here, he’d have sat next to her, not wanting to be any farther away than right beside her.
“So.You miss him.”Mark seemed to read whatever she’d let show on her face.“That’s okay.Feelings don’t just shut off right away, even when you know you want to move on.It’s my job to make you forget about him.”
She didn’t think anyone could make her forget her sexy FBI agent.“We had different priorities.”
“You are definitely one of mine.”
She blushed.“Well, that’s…nice.”
But it wasn’t like Nick didn’t focus on her at all.When they were together, he spent every second making sure she knew he wanted and needed her.He made sure she felt every moment he was away by making sure she felt every minute they were together, too.That’s why it felt so special.He cared.He really wanted to be with her, whether they were in bed or watching TV or eating together.It was so easy to be with him.
“How’s the chicken and dumplings?”
She picked up her fork and took a bite, loving the thick gravy and tender chicken.“So good.How is yours?”
They spent the next twenty minutes eating and talking about their families and his collection of shot glasses from all the places he’d visited, either for work or vacation.Which led them to talking about the places they’d been outside of Wyoming.She’d mostly stuck close to home.He thought it would be fun to take two weeks every summer for the rest of his life to go and explore someplace new.
“That sounds amazing.And what a great way to make memories as well as explore new things.Where do you want to go next?”Aria would love two weeks on a beach.Tropical drinks.Sun.Fun.Sex with the sound of the ocean right outside, the stars overhead.Her and Nick, tangled up in the sheets.
Wait.Shit.She was doing it again.Thinking about him.
“I was thinking ice fishing in Alaska for my next trip.”He chuckled.“Not in summer, of course, but over winter.”
That sounded cold and boring with the potential for polar bears.No thanks.
“I’ve got a bunch of brochures I’d love to show you.We could cuddle in a little shack and drink hot chocolate.”