Page 24 of Wilde In His Arms
Nick followed Dennis, still checking out the massive entryway.“This is a beautiful place.”The fireplace in the adjoining room was big enough for Nick to stand in.Several guests occupied the seating area in front of it.The art on the walls was a mix of scenic views that matched the outside landscape and portraits of what he had to assume were prominent members.
“Our members expect the best.We give it to them.Now, I understand you wish to speak to Julia Lopez.May I ask what this is in regard to?”
Nick put the manager at ease that he wasn’t here to arrest one of his guests, or disrupt the tranquil atmosphere.“It’s a family matter.She’s done nothing wrong.She’s not in any trouble.I’m just following up with her about a matter we spoke of years ago.”
Dennis relaxed.“Of course.This way.She’ll most likely be in her office as she’s already overseen the room attendants this morning.”No maids here.“Midafternoon is usually quiet before guests are back in their rooms prior to dinner.”
Nick kept his easy manner, letting Dennis know with his body language that all was well.He didn’t want to tarnish Julia’s name or job.As far as he knew, the only mark on her was being related to Javier.Not her fault.“I won’t take up too much of her time.”
Dennis led him through an Employees Only door and down a long hallway with several offices.No surprise that Julia’s office was near the large laundry room, where several workers folded towels and sheets.
Dennis knocked on the doorframe as he stood in the doorway.“Julia.There’s someone here to see you.”
Dennis stepped back and let Nick take his place.
“Hello, Julia.It’s been a long time.Do you remember me?”
“Of course.Agent…”
“Gunn.Nick Gunn.I’d like a few minutes of your time.I have some questions for you.”
Julia’s gaze shot to Dennis’s rapt attention on them, then back to Nick.“I’d be happy to answer them for you.I have to check on something in one of the rooms upstairs; would you mind walking with me while we talk?”
Nick guessed she didn’t want her boss standing outside the door while they talked about her brother’s illegal activities.“Lead the way.”
She stood and put her cell phone in her black slacks’ pocket.She met Dennis’s curious gaze.“This won’t take long.”She stood there, waiting for him to leave them alone.
“We don’t have a problem, do we, Julia?”Dennis raised a brow, eyeing her.
She gave him an easy smile.“Everything is fine.This is a private, family matter.”One she obviously didn’t want to discuss with him.
Dennis held her gaze for another long moment, then turned to leave.As soon as Dennis walked back toward the lobby, Julia tilted her head toward the laundry room.“Let’s go this way.”
He followed her past the huge washers and dryers, toward another door that let them out into the end of a guest hallway with a service elevator in front of them.She used her key card.The sign beside this elevator designated it for staff, not guests.The sliding doors opened immediately.“Where are we going?”
“I like to check the suites after they’ve been cleaned and restocked to be sure everything is as it should be for guests.”
He stepped into the elevator with her.“I imagine most of the rooms in this place are suites.”
“On the upper floors, yes.But when I say suite, I mean the most expensive ones, reserved for special guests.”
“What kind of special guests?”
“The kind with money and power, who expect the very best of everything.The ones we have to anticipate.”
“I imagine you keep detailed files on guests’ likes and dislikes.”
“You are correct, Agent Gunn.I’ve worked very hard to rise from just a maid to managing the operation.It is a point of pride that complaints have dropped eighty percent since I took over.”
They stepped out of the elevator into a long hallway.“That’s quite impressive, considering your clientele.Those remaining complaints must be from those who simply can’t be pleased no matter how hard you try.”
They walked side by side down the hallway.
“Some think that nothing is ever good enough.Sometimes you can surprise them with something they never knew they wanted.”
He wasn’t here to talk about hard-to-please guests and changed the subject.“I heard your mother isn’t doing well.”
She stopped outside a set of double doors.“You heard?”She raised a brow, then opened the door with a master key card.