Page 31 of Wilde In His Arms
Stop thinking about him.Focus.“It’s a party every night, so exhausting most of the time.”She smiled, letting him know she was only partially serious.The bar had a vibe most nights that she loved.People out looking for a good time, laughing, talking, dancing, singing along to their favorite songs.She loved talking to her customers, most of whom she knew well after all these years.She loved being a part of their lives and hearing about what was going on in theirs.
Mark eyed her.“You don’t mind working those late hours?”
She shrugged one shoulder.“I’m used to it.”
“Yeah, but it makes it hard to date, I’d guess.And having a relationship with someone would be hard if you worked such different hours.Like we do.”He seemed concerned they wouldn’t have enough time together.Sweet or a precursor to him finding someone more available?
“You figured out a way to work out a date with me,” she reminded him, not liking how he seemed to be putting obstacles in place all of a sudden.
“I like you.A lot.”
“I like you, too.”But she was feeling guilty about the date after Nick had been so good about communicating with her.
And just before she’d arrived, he’d left her a message telling her he was moving to Wyoming.He was really going to do it, change his whole life to be with her.
Definitely sweet.
“You said you were looking for serious.”Mark squeezed her hand.“I could see us being close really fast.You’re an amazing woman.”
A blush warmed her cheeks.“Thanks.But serious takes time.This is just our second date.”
He was moving a bit too fast.“I’ve planned more, because I’m confident that you’ll see what I see.”
“And what’s that?”
“We’re perfect together.”That bold announcement came with him leaning in and kissing her cheek.
She leaned back and slipped her hand free from his.“Mark.We barely know anything about each other.”
“We’ll learn all the little details over time, of course.I’m just saying you’re smart and beautiful and sexy, everything I’m looking for in a wife.”He leaned in and nuzzled his nose into her hair.“I think about how good you and I could be in bed.”
Wow.She had not pictured him naked, let alone in bed with her.
Because all you think about is Nick, his toned, sculpted body, and the way he makes you feel when he’s deep inside you, making you come over and over again.
Her gaze quickly swept up Mark’s body, noting the bulge at the front of his slacks.
Her cheeks heated when he caught her.
“See, you’re thinking it, too.”
She was actually thinking that Nick’s muscles, added height, and bigger bulge made him a more appealing specimen.But she really loved Nick for always making herfeelbeautiful and smart and funny.He didn’t just tell her.
And right now, Mark thought he was saying what she wanted to hear, but he didn’t make her feel desired just because he was thinking about them in bed together.In fact, she was turned off by it because they didn’t know each other well enough to be intimate.
And yet, you practically jumped into bed with Nick the first time you met.
Because there was something about him, between them, she couldn’t deny.Something that was missing between her and Mark.
So why are you out with this guy and not getting back together with Nick?
“Mark, I’m not sure—”
He kissed her, cutting off her words.His tongue pressed along the seam of her lips and she planted her hand on his chest and pushed him back, breaking the kiss.
He cupped her cheek, his eyes narrowed.“Why’d you do that?Things were just getting good.”
She took his wrist and pulled his hand away from her face.“I like you, Mark.”