Page 52 of Wilde In His Arms
Because the haunted look in his eyes matched the one in these children’s eyes.
Aria wanted to see them laugh and smile and feel carefree.She hoped that hadn’t been permanently stolen from them like their childhoods.
Nick would want them to find that again.It’s why he worked so hard to save them.Why he put his life in jeopardy.
Why he’d never quit.
She’d accepted that.Now she had to find a way to live with it, and be the person in his life who helped him through the hard times and enjoyed the good times they’d have together by his side.
Chapter twenty
NickwokeupholdingAria’s hand and seeing her sweet smile.The TV was on low and the kids were watching aFuturamarerun.They all looked relaxed.
Aria squeezed his hand.“They just finished dinner.Hawk went out and got them all ice cream.They finished the whole tub.Mason and Lyric will be back soon.”
He smiled for the first time since he’d last seen her.“You made a new friend.”
Stacy was sound asleep on Aria’s lap.Aria held the ten-year-old, her arms wrapped protectively around her, Stacy’s head tucked under Aria’s chin.
“She had a bad dream.I offered her a hug.Told her I could use one, too.She went right back to sleep, though I think it had more to do with a full belly and her trying to stay awake and on guard.”
He couldn’t fault the child for that after all she’d been through.“I want you in my arms so badly right now,” he whispered, not wanting the kids to overhear him.Not caring that Aria heard the desperation in his plea.
“I want that, too.How are you?Are you in pain?Do you need me to get the doctor?”
He shook his head, setting off a wave of pain through his shoulder and chest.“The nurse probably knows I woke up.She’ll be here soon.”
“That didn’t answer my questions.”
“I’m fine.It’s nothing.”
Her eyes narrowed and her nose scrunched.“Getting shot three times and stabbed is not nothing,” she whisper-yelled at him.“Why the hell did you go into that place alone?”
He answered her by looking at the kids in the room.
She huffed out a frustrated breath.“You could have died.”
It had been another close call.Closer than he’d really like to think about.“Are you really mad?Is this too much for you?”
“What?No.I’m not mad at you.You saved these kids’ lives.I was scared to death I’d lose you.I’ll take you any way I can get you, but you better try to stay in one damn piece.”
His grin grew into a full-blown smile.“I’ll do my best.”
The nurse knocked gently, then walked into the room.The two girls at the other end of the room went on alert until they realized it was just the nurse they’d had last night.Nick had asked that they limit the number of new faces that came into the room, so the kids weren’t in a constant state of fight or flight.
“It’s just me, Carly, kids.You all good?”
The girls nodded.Toby barely managed to open his eyes before closing them again, thanks to the meds the nurse gave him earlier for his broken arm.
“You push that button if you need anything.Right now, I’m going to check out your superhero.”
Nick rolled his eyes.
Carly did her usual routine, checking his blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen level.“One to ten, what’s your pain level right now?”
“About a six.”
“Have you hit that button for the morphine since you woke up?”She checked the monitor and his IV line.