Page 86 of Wilde In His Arms
“It was one of the services he provided.He told Lopez that he had a guy he used at a crematorium and it would cost Lopez ten grand each, but the doctor just pocketed the money and buried the kids on a piece of property his sister owns.Collateral in case Lopez tried to harm or eliminate him.He gave us a map.”
“And did the doctor admit to anything else besides pedophilia, murder, disposing of bodies, and not reporting child sex trafficking, all while dispensing medical care to children he should have actually saved instead of sending them back into hell?”
“While he’s licensed in Montana, he’s not licensed in the other three states, though that’s kind of a minor point after all the rest.”
Nick smacked his hand on the table.“I hate these cases.”
“Me, too.But you found four of the children.We know where Lopez is operating now thanks to that fucking doctor.We’ll find the rest of them.We’re already putting together agents in every state to start taking these assholes down.We know Lopez is here, so our group will focus on getting him.”
“Aria and Lyric are safe, right?”They couldn’t be safe enough in Nick’s estimation.
“They have agents on them.Lots of people at the bar.No one can get to them.”
“That’s what I keep thinking.How is he going to do it?”
“We’re most vulnerable at our houses, even with all the security I’ve installed.You need to get this place wired up.”
“I’m working on it.I have a guy coming in a few days.”He hoped that wouldn’t be too late.
“Good.Until then, I assume you’re armed.”
Nick nodded, feeling the gun at his back.“And then some.”He’d hidden a couple of weapons throughout the house, guns and knives.
“We’ll get him,” Mason assured him.“He’s going to lose his shit when we take down his network.”
“When is it happening?I assume you’ll try for a coordinated roundup.”
Mason grinned with glee.“That’s the plan.But it’s being done by people higher up than me and you.We’ll get the credit for uncovering all of this, but we’re sitting out of the takedowns.”
Nick settled back in his chair.“Maybe it’s better that way.It keeps us here, where Lopez can find us.And he will.Especially when he loses everything.He’ll blame me.He’ll want that revenge so badly he won’t be able to stop himself from coming for me.”
“That means we need to be prepared, and we can’t let him see that we’re getting ready for him.”
“I know.I just wish this didn’t involve the people we love.”
“We can’t help that now.And they love us enough to trust us to keep them safe.”
“Maybe you should take Lyric and go somewhere safe.Don’t tell me.Don’t tell anyone.Just go.You’ve got a kid on the way.If something happened…” He could barely swallow the lump in his throat or bear to think about it.“I couldn’t live with myself for bringing this on you.”
Mason nearly growled.“Bullshit.You think I haven’t put a target on you in the past because of my undercover work?It’s not your fault, like you always told me it wasn’t mine.And I am going to send Lyric away tonight.I already have it set up.If you want Aria to go with her, just say the word.”
Nick wondered where he’d send Lyric.“Hawk coming to get her?”
“Yes.He’s got a friend who has a remote cabin.No one will know she’s there with him.”
Nick needed to thank Hawk for always coming through for them.“Hawk will keep her safe.”
Mason nodded.“With his life.”
Frustration rose in Nick’s whole body.“Aria’s made it clear she’s ready to face any threat to be with me.”He didn’t deserve her or her trust in him.
Mason leaned in.“We need to make him play our game.”
Nick met his deadly gaze.“Do you have a plan?”
“Not yet.”
“Yeah, well, it needs to be fucking foolproof before I risk one hair on her head.”