Page 61 of Keeping Lilith
Lilith blinked a couple of times, and when her vision cleared, Julian was there, leaning over her, looking concerned. “You didn’t leave,” she said.
His smile was the sweetest thing she’d ever seen. She loved the way his eyes crinkled in the corner. “I told you I wouldn’t.”
“Good to see you awake, Ms. Kenny,” the nurse said, as she finished tapping her tablet. “What’s your pain level?”
Lilith turned her focus onto her body and how it was feeling. Her side ached and her head throbbed, but it was tolerable. “About a four or five.”
“Okay. That’s good. I’ll let the doctor know you’re awake.” She bustled out and then it was just her and Julian in the room.
Snippets of their previous conversation floated across her mind. Something about what he said about Stella stuck out to her. Now she felt a little more awake. More aware, she wanted to question him about it. And also something else she remembered from back in the cabin. His declaration to her. Lilith needed to know if hearing him say he loved her was something her pain-addled brain had conjured up, or if he had truly said it to her.
“Earlier you said Stella wouldn’t hurt anyone anymore. What did you mean by that?” She licked her dry lips, and Julian grabbed the jug of water and poured her some, holding the straw so that she could sip. Through it all, he didn’t say a word.
What was he hiding from her?
Did he think she wasn’t strong enough to hear what he had to say?
Did he think she cared about Stella? She didn’t. She didn’t care if the other woman would rot in jail right alongside Micah and Richard. Although, if that was the case, wouldn’t Julian have said that when he mentioned about what was happening with the other two?
Another scenario hit her. “She’s dead, isn’t she?”
Julian sat and took her hand again. “Yeah, she is.”
Lilith pondered how she felt about that. “Is it bad that I don’t feel sympathy for her or the outcome?”
“No,” he said. “You can feel however you want. After what you’ve been through, it’s your right.”
“She tricked me. On the street on the way to the store. She burst into tears and told me she was lost. I couldn’t walk away, even though my instincts were telling me to. I’d been in her position. Or what I thought she was going through. I had to help.”
Julian smiled and brushed his knuckles down her cheek. “That’s what makes you so special. Even though you didn’t trust her, you couldn’t walk away.”
“Doesn’t that make me too stupid to live?” she countered, because that had been what she’d been feeling during her forced car journey.
“Some people might think that, but I don’t. If she hadn’t cried, you would’ve stayed strong and kept on walking. You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of. And if people think that way, then they’re not worth knowing. Do you know what else?”
“I think you’re amazing. Strong. Beautiful. And I love you.”
Lilith’s heart swelled at hearing his declaration. “Did you say that to me before I passed out?”
“Yes. And if you don’t feel the same way, that’s okay. I’ll do whatever you want me to do. If you want me to walk away, I will. I’ll do anything to make you happy.”
The fact this man was willing to give her space should she need it, reinforced the feelings she’d already acknowledged while she’d been held captive. “I don’t want you to go anywhere. I love you, too, Julian. I never thought I was worthy of someone feeling this way about me, but you’ve shown me I am. If you walk, I’m going to run right after you.”
“Oh, Lil, you make my life so much better. You give me purpose and drive. The only walking we’ll be doing is side by side for the rest of our lives.”
“I like the sound of that.”
Julian leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss against her forehead. “Me too.”
Lilith lookedaround at the people gathered in Irish and Cass’s backyard. Everyone was celebrating life, and the exciting news that Astrid was pregnant with twins.
There was a lot to be happy about, but the man sitting beside her, his hand on her leg, was the biggest reason for her. After their declaration of love in the hospital, life had been wonderful for them. Once she’d fully recovered, they took a trip to San Antonio, where she met Rose and her partner Axe. It was good to see that she was thriving and that her relationship with Julian was strong.
Micah and Richard had stood trial and were locked away, so she didn’t have to look over her shoulder to see if someone was following her or about to take her. She faithfully wore her tracker every day because without it, she may not have been alive.