Page 6 of His Wood Her Fire
Like sex.
I cursed roughly, swinging the axe down again on the new log I’d placed on the old tree stump I used for chopping.
Sex was definitely something I missed, but I didn’t need it.
Yeah, tell yourself that, pal.
Ignoring my inner asshole, I lost myself to the rhythm of chopping wood.
Telling myself the satisfaction of knowing that the warmth of a fire would soon be the reward for all this labor was enough.
Lying to myself about not needing anyone to share it with.
But I’d gone down that road once before, and I promised myself never again.
With that on my mind, I cleaned up the morning’s work, dusting my hands off on my thighs.I frowned as the sound of goddamn Christmas carols filled the air, breaking my solitude.
There was a row of pine trees, planted by me, separating my cabin from the one I owned next door.But it wasn’t like they were soundproof.
Curiosity, and a little ire, had me moving between the trees to give the two yahoos my sister rented the property to a piece of my mind.
Only, it wasn’t a man behind the wheel of that tiny little compact car idling in the driveway.
It was a soft-looking woman wrapped in a bright red sweater and a pair of jeans that fit so snugly it looked like she was poured into them.
She hadn’t noticed me yet, and that gave me a reprieve to simply take her in.Chin-length blonde hair in a riot of curls surrounded her face, and I had to steel myself against the punch of desire that seemed to hit me right in the gut.
She had ivory skin and pink lips, big brown eyes, and a straight nose.Her attention was on the cabin, and I wondered what she thought of it.
Shaking my head at that nonsensical thought, I marched right over to her and knocked impatiently on her window.
“You’re lost,” I growled.
“Is this Wawayanda Mountain?”
“Yeah, but you don’t belong here.”
“Well, is the address 1225 Vernon Valley Way?”
“Yes, but like I said, you do not belong here.”
“Then this is exactly where I am supposed to be, Mr.?”
The gorgeous creature looked at me with one delicate eyebrow arched and I rubbed a hand over my face.
“Bo DuBois, but look, lady?—”
“My name is Gloria DeSoto, Mr.DuBois, and I rented this place for the next two weeks.If you need to see my reservation, I am happy to show you, but I don’t really think I should, considering I have no idea who you are,” she started boldly.
“Who I am?I own this property Mrs.DeSoto?—”
“It’s Miss.”
“I apologize, Miss DeSoto, but the cabin was rented to two gentlemen.”
“Look, I didn’t realize you were the owner, but I did rent this place fair and square for the next two weeks.Desmond and Andy are spending their vacation in Vermont to celebrate their engagement with Des’ parents.I took over the rental agreement from them.It was all cleared with your realtor and the contact on the agreement,Mrs.Jenny Sieger,” she said, showing me a copy of the contract on her cell phone.
“Fucking Jenny,” I growled, making a note to murder my sister later.