Page 40 of Lawson
“Here?” The question bubbles out of me, shock making me almost immobile against him.
There’s no joking anywhere on his features. He's dead serious. “Right now, damsel. You say the word, and I'll take the edge off for you.”
Heat blazes across my skin, and my heart races against my chest. “That wouldn't be fair to you,” I say. “That would make me like all the other girls that use you for your... skills.”
Lawson moves us again on the dance floor, smiling down at me. “You’re nothing like that, Blakely. You wouldn't be using me. You'd be letting me take care of you because I want to.”
“And what would be in it for you? It's not like you want a relationship. And you know I don't either.”
“It would be a male pride thing,” he says. “Being the one to finally show you how amazing letting go can be.”
“I'm your skate coach, we shouldn't?—”
“Shouldn't,” he says. “Notcan't. And if you want to go down that line of thinking, we shouldn't really have played that inappropriate game of Cards against Humanity together, either.”
He has me there, and if I’m being quite honest, he has me already.
It’s the logical, worried side of my brain that’s trying to get me to reconsider, but the part of me that desperately wants more of him, even if it’s just kissing, is begging me to comply. To accept his more than generous offer.
And who knows, maybe he’s bluffing. Maybe he’s doing that thing where he wants to make me squirm just because he enjoys the show. And maybe?—
“Relax, damsel,” he says, cutting into my thoughts. “I’m not going to toss you over my shoulder right here and haul you into a private room. Unless you ask me to.” He smirks. “You don't have to overthink my offer. I know there's a huge amount of trust involved, and if you're not there with me yet, that's fine. I'm completely content working to earn your trust.”
His words slice through any logical argument I could ever pose against the situation, and I draw him closer, my heart pounding with anticipation. “Don’t throw me over your shoulder,” I say. “In this skirt, I’d flash everyone.” I reach up on my tiptoes and draw him closer to me so I can reach the shell of his ear. “But…take care of me,” I whisper.
The words are barely out of my mouth before Lawson is shifting me, turning me around and interlacing our fingers as he gently guides me off the dance floor. He walks through Clay’s house, eyes scanning every inch of it as he turns this way and that until finally he finds Clay’s personal office, which is understandably empty with the party going on around it, and guides me into it. He quickly shuts the door and locks it behind us.
“I made sure nobody saw us,” he says before his hands are on my cheeks and he's dipping his mouth down and over mine.
I gasp at the contact, relief and excitement swirling inside me as I part my lips for him.
He walks me backward until my ass hits Clay’s desk, the lamp and pens sitting atop it rattling with the movement.
Lawson doesn't break our kiss as his hands find my hips and he hefts me up onto the desk, parting my thighs to step between them, bringing our bodies flush.
He draws back, one hand gliding behind my neck as he meets my gaze. “Tell me again, damsel,” he demands. “Tell me what you want.”
“I want you to take care of me,” I repeat, breathless, my chest rising up and down with my increasing adrenaline.
Lawson smirks before his mouth finds mine again, his kiss hungry and electric, sending sparks of need zapping down my spine. I lose myself in the kiss, completely at the mercy of his tongue and his lips and the way his hands roam over my body in a possessive way that makes me feel like I'm floating and on fire at the same time.
His hands slide down my body and reach my knees, slowly gliding up and beneath the hem of my skirt.
My heart jolts at the way his touch feels—powerful and confident and caring.
He kisses me and touches me like he’s starved and I'm the only thing that can feed him, and yet there’s no apprehension blooming in my chest. No worry or wish for this to get over with as quickly as possible.
Quite the opposite. I'm certain we could continue kissing like this for the rest of the night and I wouldn't get tired of it.
Lawson trails his mouth over the line of my jaw and down to my neck. “Fuck, Blakely,” he says. “You're so damn sexy.” He gently sucks on the sensitive part of my neck, sending my pulse skittering beneath his lips.
I shake my head, and he stills, drawing back so he can look me in the eye. “Do you want me to stop?”
“No,” I say. “I wasn't shaking my head at that. Ilovedthat. I just...” My eyes fall to his chest, unable to finish my sentence, but he tips my chin up, forcing me to meet his eyes.
“Tell me.”
“I don't think I'm sexy,” I admit, and wonder if I’m doing everything I can to kill this mood. Way to go, Blakely.