Page 6 of For Three Seconds
I was trying to determine where the bathroom was when I saw the same guy from the door make a beeline for me.Yeah, I don’t think so.Turning around, I made my way back.
“Hey,” I asked a boy who seemed as lost as I was. He was probably a freshman.
“Are you talking to me?” He pointed at himself and looked around for good measure.
“Uh, yeah,” I answered because there was no one else around us. “Can you tell me were the bathroom is?”
“Um, there’s one right over on the other side of the house.”
Nodding, I started to turn away to look for that bathroom.
“Wait,” he said. Slowly, I stopped and turned around.
“Yes?” I asked.
I looked at him, and the more I stared at him, I wondered what he was doing in this place. He was a little dweeb-looking to be perfectly honest. He didn’t exactly scream sex and parties. Hell, who the fuck was I to judge?
“Would you…mind… It’s that I need…underwear.”
I stood there, so perplexed the Solo cup with my unfinished drink twitched in my hand. He did not just ask me that—what a dickwad.
I brought my cup up, ready to pour it in his head.
“I’m sorry. It’s just that you seem nice. And I need to do this…all the pledges do. I know I can’t get one by hooking up.”
I stopped with my cup midair.
“You’re a pledge?”
The guy smiled and looked at me sheepishly. “My dad is a legacy and one of the biggest founders. They had to take me in.”
I brought my cup down. “What’s your name, kid?”
He rolled his eyes at me. “Isaac.”
“Freshman?” I asked.
“That obvious, huh?”
I was basically a freshman too, but I didn’t say that.
“Let me go pee, and I’ll meet you outside,” I told him.
The line for the bathroom wasn’t that long, for which I was grateful. It was weird when I slipped off my undies.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this,” I mumbled, but I needed to live a little, and Isaac needed to impress his new frat brothers, so it was a win-win, right?
Before I opened the door, I heard laughter outside. I quickly recognized Jeff’s voice.
“Didn’t I leave you on bitch duty?”
“I…I’ll go back in a second.”
“I-I-I…do you always have to s-s-t-tutter?”
What a dick.
“Jeff.” There was a warning tone to the other guy’s voice. He obviously didn’t like Jeff picking on this kid, but he didn’t want to get in the middle of it either. Pussy.